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How about a Skyping CNZ group?

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Time for Skyping?
How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_lcap3%How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_rcap
 3% [ 1 ]
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 0% [ 0 ]
How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_lcap6%How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_rcap
 6% [ 2 ]
How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_lcap14%How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_rcap
 14% [ 5 ]
How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_lcap34%How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_rcap
 34% [ 12 ]
8pm- 10pm
How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_lcap34%How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_rcap
 34% [ 12 ]
How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_lcap9%How about a Skyping CNZ group? Vote_rcap
 9% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 35

How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Guest. 09/11/10, 12:01 pm

Well... it seems a few people on CNZ have Skype....
Well... Ninja-S told me we should make a skype cosplay group....
Talking..about cosplay...and stuff..

Got any ideas?

Jizzoka - Jizzoka
hyolee123- hyolee123
SupaFitz - supa.fitz
Kitty of Doom - jujubug16
Rocky- rocky.feo
ox0kristen0xo - ox0kristen0xo :)
Rikku - Leafums
Cactiberry - SomewhatFerrety
Personified Insanity - PI_Chonny
sweet georgia brown –
Li-Bai -
firecat70 -firecat70
RainbowMoonDust - RainbowMoonDust
Nee - Akira.Nee
kagerouhi - hinoame
ixi9003 - nessy-1
Blooberry - BlooberryCake
IcyRose - lordoficyrose
Sonic Reducer - obzcurity
Maxi-me - maxime-delivinchi
Icarus - Icaruskun
Duckeh - thisismynewname
Casey - xKiki-chan
superjumper - blondie_has_obkd
seraphik - serafiki
Zeorymer - type.variable
Basaka – BasakaNZ
Moli - evilpineapplelord
Rosenquarts - Johnny-G-String
Green_Sage - Seji-San
_Yuki - kuro_yuki_
Kittykitkat - Cripple1869
azeria - azeria_

My army is almost complete~!!! naughty just kidding :3

Last edited by Jizzoka on 23/01/11, 01:58 pm; edited 21 times in total


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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Ninja-S. 09/11/10, 01:21 pm

LOL dude two people. YUS! Very Happy lol
Soldier A

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Tamoo. 09/11/10, 01:48 pm

*shrugs* Okay.
Mines kaopocky ;D

Number of posts : 4525
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Registration date : 2007-11-24

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By hyolee123. 09/11/10, 01:59 pm

If you really wanna.
Mines hyolee123 (who woulda guessed xD)

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Guest. 09/11/10, 02:07 pm

Mines supa.fitz


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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Kitty of Doom. 09/11/10, 02:10 pm

Mine is jujubug16
Kitty of Doom
Kitty of Doom
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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Rocky. 09/11/10, 02:11 pm

I'll join in once I get one that I don't have to share with my whole family.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Phoenix. 09/11/10, 02:37 pm

sure why not no idea my username but search chris nicol christchurch

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Registration date : 2009-11-24

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By ox0kristen0xo. 09/11/10, 02:41 pm

Mine's ox0kristen0xo :)

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By lilapmedia. 09/11/10, 02:59 pm

hmmmm maybe...

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Rikku. 09/11/10, 03:19 pm

Lol Jizzoka you're so crazy. xD;;
But sure.
My name is Leafums, I think.
marshmallow ninja

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Cactiberry. 09/11/10, 11:15 pm

OK! 8D I don't really go on skype much though...
I'm SomewhatFerrety, I THINK.
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2283
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Registration date : 2009-06-20

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By PIe. 10/11/10, 12:10 am

I don't skype all that much but I'll try to go on more, mines PI_Chonny (such an unpredictable name)
Sushi ;O

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Guest. 10/11/10, 01:11 am

Rikku wrote:
Lol Jizzoka you're so crazy. xD;;
But sure.
My name is Leafums, I think.

Of course i am Senpai ;3

Mines Jizzoka
Maybe we should group chat~
Maybe set up a time?


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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By hyolee123. 10/11/10, 07:56 am

I'm not fussed about time. 6-8 or 8-10 is fine with me~

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Registration date : 2010-01-03

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Rosenquarts. 10/11/10, 11:14 am

I'll be keen but i'll have to use my sisters one ^^
How do you figure out the name. it might be Jessica Trow

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Guest. 10/11/10, 11:26 am

Okay um...~
do we have a day when we can do this?


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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Li-Bai. 10/11/10, 11:49 am

Oh, right.

Last edited by Li-Bai on 14/11/10, 10:35 am; edited 1 time in total
Sushi ;O

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Rosenquarts. 11/11/10, 06:57 am

How about a friday?

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 11/11/10, 03:06 pm

This sounds interesting, I might be up for this, not sure if I have Skype or not, will have to check if I have an account, can't remember. sweatdrop
fraggle rock

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By firecat70. 12/11/10, 04:11 am

I would be keen, I don't use Skype much but I have it. My name is (shockingly) firecat70

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 12/11/10, 10:14 am

Made a Skype account as it turns out I don't have one. (Thought I did). My username is the same as on these forums: RainbowMoonDust, funny that huh? XD Razz Feel free to add me, just let me know who you are. In the meantime I'll be learning how to use this thing. sweatdrop Friday evenings are good for me too. nodnod
fraggle rock

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Guest. 12/11/10, 10:37 am

Mine's Akira.Nee C:


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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Rocky. 13/11/10, 11:58 am

Okay, decided to join in P:

This is possibly the best thing ever.
rocky.feo be me~
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

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Re: How about a Skyping CNZ group?
Post By Kitten Slave. 13/11/10, 12:11 pm

I keep reading this thread as "skydiving" cnz group!

I had skype at some point... but I never really used it, so away it went...

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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