Fire Works, Saturday the 6th By Highlander. 05/11/10, 09:57 am |
| We are aiming to leave Stanmore about 6pm, arriving New Brighton by about 7pm. Getting fish and chips, candy floss, and then finding a good spot for the fireworks at 9pm. Meet you at New Brighton, or come out with us. Bring Sparklers and money and something warm/wind/rain-proof. And maybe friends?
| Highlander dark CHii
Number of posts : 4033 Age : 52 Location : Christchurch Transforms into : This stylish saffron shirt. Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-05-02
Re: Fire Works, Saturday the 6th By RainbowMoonDust. 05/11/10, 03:25 pm |
| Let me fill this out in more detail.
Glenn is picking me up from my house which is on Stanmore rd and we are going to New Brighton Pier to see the Fireworks display tomorrow. It doesn't start until 9pm but we are leaving early at 6pm to beat the traffic, find good parking and a good view etc. The plan is to grab some Fish n Chips then probably hit the carnival rides, stalls and beach while we wait. This thread is his way of asking if any Chchians want to come with us, lol. I will be bringing Sparklers, if anyone want to join us bring a warm top and money or your own food if not buying any.
We will hopefully see some of you there anyway. |
| RainbowMoonDust fraggle rock
Number of posts : 1480 Age : 37 Location : Asguard Transforms into : Goddess of mischief Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-10-08