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Calling all Pac-man ghosts

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Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By NillanthirZerati. 26/10/10, 07:11 pm

As the name of the topic suggests, I have a brilliant plan for AuckGeddon 2011.. I am going to need a total of five volunteers who are willing to give up possibly one of two of the coming four days to be willing to run around wearing a colored sheet in an unusual game of Tag.. Pac-Man Tag to be precise. While the details are still to be worked out (and opinions and suggestions to modify are more than welcome) I would like for these volunteers to be willing to play the ghosts that are in the Pac-Man series. The rules are currently as this and is not set rules:

1. Whichever ghost manages to 'Tag' Pac-Man will become the next Pac-Man to avoid the ghosts.
2. When the new 'Pac-Man' is passed on, there must be a 60 second rule to let he or she get away to resume the chase
3. Instead of collecting pellets, the goal is to last for longer than 30 minutes to avoid being tagged. This will be recorded by a stop watch that is resetted to ensure fairness. Whoever is successful in achieving this goal would receive a prize of $60 to spend on what they will.

As I have said, this is still a work in progress and advice is appreciated from the cosplay community.

Number of posts : 25
Age : 37
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : Sephiroth
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Registration date : 2009-11-04

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By Caddyl. 27/10/10, 01:22 am

... so keen.

why don't I live in Auckland WHY.

Number of posts : 678
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Registration date : 2008-11-11

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By Synthacon9. 27/10/10, 09:05 am

I would happily join in on this! I <3 pacman!

Number of posts : 32
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Registration date : 2010-10-25

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By DeltaBeta. 27/10/10, 10:40 am

Or you could add a few 'Big Pellet' people for the Pacman to tag so that the roles can be reversed.

But then this would require the 'ghosts' to be aware of this...

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By sakkaf. 27/10/10, 11:03 am


I really want to though xD
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By Guest. 28/10/10, 03:03 pm

Caddyl wrote:
... so keen.

why don't I live in Auckland WHY.

^ This.

Also having a Mrs Pac Man would be cool too. ( because when you get married you have to run away from each other. Jks.) ;p


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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 29/10/10, 07:33 am

This is a nice idea but a couple of things bug me which I will bring up as I think they may need to be addressed:

1: Why do people need to give up a whole day for this? Wouldn't they get tired running around all day? Perhaps people should have turns at being the ghosts/Pac-man to avoid fatigue.

2: What happens with the prize if more than one Pac-man evades the ghosts for more than 30 minutes?

I'm more interested in being there with a camera rather than taking part, but I'm still very much looking forward to seeing this. nodnod Smile
fraggle rock

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By NillanthirZerati. 31/10/10, 01:10 pm

Well Rainbow that is exactly why I said suggestions are more than welcome.. of course people can take turns if they are interested. As for the prize.. well if you have better suggestions then I am more than willing to take them in.. we've still got a whole year to discuss it over after all ^^.. and the inspiration for this actually came from three years ago while I was playing pacman on the mobile phone and I thought 'wouldn't it be awesome to be able to run around like that as people?'... so from there I gave it thought then figured there'd be others in armageddon auckland who are willing to share this idea with me.. so as I said, by all means, suggestions are welcome ^^

Number of posts : 25
Age : 37
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : Sephiroth
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Registration date : 2009-11-04

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By Koemix. 24/11/10, 01:26 pm

my friends at school were just talking about setting something like this up.

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By seraphik. 24/11/10, 01:31 pm

but have you seen THIS: ! 8D

/slinks out
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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By Rikku. 24/11/10, 02:46 pm

OMFG SO KEEN. But then there are health and safety issues of running around in a costume and not being able to see properly. Also having people running around in large costumes inside a building with many, MANY people inside it could be dangerous for everybody. Perhaps somebody was to step sideways into a little old lady who then falls over?
If we were to iron out these kinks, I'd be TOTALLY KEEN TO JOIN IN. 8D 8D 8D

EDIT: OMFG That video is amazing. XD I totally wasn't laughing every time a ghost face planted. >___> But that's the sort of dangers I mentioned. xDD
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Calling all Pac-man ghosts
Post By NillanthirZerati. 27/11/10, 06:21 pm

That is why this thread is up. so the kinks can be ironed out and we can have a plan in the making. with the sight problem that can be easily sorted by having the head pop out and just draw the eyes and mouth along the torso area.

Number of posts : 25
Age : 37
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : Sephiroth
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Registration date : 2009-11-04

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