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Cosplay Games feedback?

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Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By JVCA. 25/10/10, 11:36 am

Hey guys! We hope you enjoyed the cosplay games on Sunday. Very Happy As always, we're looking to make them bigger and better, so I figured we'd ask for feedback while it was still in your minds. Very Happy So tell us:

What was particularly successful?
What wasn't that great?
What (and how) should we do to change things for the better?
Was the theme/the jokes too obscure?

We're well aware of the tech issues (silly slow laptop!), but any other thoughts you have would be great. Very Happy Thanks so much!

Aura wrote:

Did any of the events (quiz, costume making, etc) feel too long, or too short?
Annnnd what do you want to see next year? Similar or new events (got some ideas?), do you want more skits, dances, battles…?

Please do keep giving us feedback, the games are for all of you and we would love to hear what you want to see, so constructive criticism is much appreciated =3
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Gecko5. 25/10/10, 11:43 am

i got the hole thing on video and i though i was cool. what was that pokemon song thing

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By JVCA. 25/10/10, 11:48 am

It was a parody of Tik Tok that Lucy (seraphik) made. Very Happy
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Gecko5. 25/10/10, 11:55 am

cool thanks do you know if its on youtube?

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By JVCA. 25/10/10, 12:00 pm

I don't know yet, I'm afraid, but I believe that Suixelo's boyfriend (Yami, I think his username is?) may have recorded it for us. Very Happy
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Suixelo. 25/10/10, 12:04 pm

Best cosplay games yet. Seriously. If you included memes or internet jokes etc it was tasteful and not over the top like last year.

Lucy is amazing. This is a reason in itself.

The Persona 4 theming made me really want to play the game and I think it was appreciated by those that already have. Some of the jokes, of course, I did not get, but I didn't mind, it made me keen to play the game >w< I loved the skit battle part, amusing and entertaining to me even though I don't know much about the fandom.

Scripting was excellent, sometimes it has seemed a little stiff but I didn't get that this year. Again, the jokes were worked in well and the little videos were pretty damn awesome haha. It made me feel included into the in-jokes (lol idk) that obviously happen in the game or are the characterisations.

The parody/infomercial videos were wonderful and helped to break up the sections and give variety. This links back to the Lucy is amazing reason for that Pokemon parody.

EDIT: Yes we have the entire thing on video and will upload/share asap. We were at the front with the tripod haha. If he doesn't do it, I'll do it myself =P

Last edited by Suixelo on 25/10/10, 01:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Kitten Slave. 25/10/10, 12:21 pm

Haha, yeah, I thought the whole thing was very well done.
I think it may have been mentioned, but the sound was a tad bit loud in the front (as in, I lost my ability to hear for a few seconds), but this is understandable as that hall is a large area to provide audio for.
I actually liked the puns and jokes - even coming from a person whom has never played, and has almost no knowledge of Persona 4 and most of the other games/animes there, I got the jokes, and having the visual cues was probably what helped.
Overall the way you choreographed it was thus quite good because I think most people got what was going on despite like me, not knowing everything. That I guess is a fine line to watch out for, but you have done a swell job thus far, so I have no doubt you will continue to!
Your recoveries were amusing too, and the fact that you did not panic when things went wrong, or weird.
You were in front of a not so small crowd, so all in all, well done!
I liked the point system, as well as your involvement of the crowd. That strikes me as an integral part of the games - getting involvement from the crowd so that it is not just you on the stage, but feels like something everyone is taking part in.

I think probably the best thing to work on is smoothness between your stage antics, and the technology (though I think you probably know this).
Simple things like me seeing the astro boy pic a few seconds before gave me time to think on it, and seeing the file names also gave away some of the answers at one point.
I put this down to teething problems - I dont think you have had to work with such an audience and area before, it must have been a bit overwhelming.

All in all, good job.

Kitten Slave
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Rolly. 25/10/10, 12:48 pm

I really loved it where you played the P4 intro video at the start, and teh bit at the end! It was a very nice touch!

I thoroughly enjoyed how the cosplay games went this year, it was great with the audience involvement and the jokes were really well done. Very Happy

The video tidbits were a really good idea to let the audience have a short break from the games and provide something to keep their interest in while something else was being prepared, etc.

The amount of planning that went into the games was stunning and I have to say you guys did such a great job. Very Happy
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Wishe. 25/10/10, 12:57 pm

Don't really have anything new to add to what has already been said but...

I thought it was awesome! Wished I was able to film it all!
Having not played P4 before, or knowing anything about that game/series, the theme just made me want to play the game more. =P

I especially loved all the videos (are they on youtube, perhaps?) and the battle sequences! (How everyone awwww'd when Ursula taunted Ariel with her voice. :'<)


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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Icarus. 25/10/10, 01:40 pm

not really feedback, but I DEMAND the videos played during the games to be uploaded on the net! They were EPIC!
ACB King '10

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By JVCA. 25/10/10, 01:52 pm

The infomercial is up already - if you search Cosplay Infomercial, it was uploaded by Oomara (Nox on CNZ). :) Even my parents found it funny!
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Kitten Slave. 25/10/10, 02:08 pm

Rofl, yes, that infomercial deserves an award.
Kitten Slave
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Emo!Axel. 26/10/10, 02:07 am

Once again I was unable to watch the Cosplay games ;A; Is anyone going to upload the whole thing, or big parts of it up to Youtube at all?

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Icarus. 26/10/10, 02:24 am

^ this also!
Really wants to see my fight with icyrose, I actually got him in the head sweatdrop
ACB King '10

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Squishy blob. 26/10/10, 02:43 am

Cosplay games this year was really fun! I think eveything was successful, especially the fighting skit, cosplay informercial and tik tok parody.

I liked the P4 theme, it made me want to play the game! Not too obscure/alienating, but refreshing instead.
Squishy blob
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Suixelo. 26/10/10, 03:23 am

Like I said above, yes we filmed the entire games (and parade and competition) and it will be uploaded/distributed soon =]

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Emo!Axel. 26/10/10, 03:39 am

Of the photos I've seen that my friend got on my camera though, the games looked AWESOME

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Mischa. 26/10/10, 05:02 am

I really liked the use of video- they were fantastic, tight and accessible. The level of audience participation was great too.

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Pyro. 26/10/10, 06:16 am

As with everyone else, I think the videos were awesome-sauce, especially the ones that the Dunedin guys made. xD Pokemon Tik-Tok was amazing. Great work running it all, guys!!
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Auroa. 26/10/10, 07:50 am

With another year of Armageddon, we’ve had another year of Cosplay Games! I’m glad you guys enjoyed them and I'm also glad the battle event was well received.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the games, and everyone who came to watch!!
Also super thanks to Jess, Lucy, Kylie and Teg for helping out!!

Did any of the events (quiz, costume making, etc) feel too long, or too short?
Annnnd what do you want to see next year? Similar or new events (got some ideas?), do you want more skits, dances, battles…?

Please do keep giving us feedback, the games are for all of you and we would love to hear what you want to see, so constructive criticism is much appreciated =3

So either reply here or PM me.
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Suixelo. 26/10/10, 08:05 am

As much as we want to see all sorts of things happen on that stage, I know you're limited for time. I definitely want to see more skits like the battle, and possibly some more audience interaction maybe a competition like 'Best in-character pose' or 'Best character imitation' that can be done on stage in a line. Picking 5-10 people to stand on stage in a line and strike their pose or whatever. Could use a clapping meter as a judge or organisers could judge. Something quick to save time, and to get a few more people from the audience involved.

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Pyro. 26/10/10, 10:00 am

^Yeah, I agree, something like that would be good-- more audience interaction is something I think you need to work on.

And more skits/videos would be cool too. They were definitely the highlight of this past 'Geddon's games.
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By seraphik. 28/10/10, 06:14 pm

^ the tik tok (LEVEL UP) parody that was shown. (:
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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By lilapmedia. 28/10/10, 10:57 pm

Lol thats pretty awesome Lucy Razz

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Re: Cosplay Games feedback?
Post By Kitten Slave. 28/10/10, 11:10 pm

Lol, Im not too chure who I love the most in that video...
Sorry Lucy, Im leaning towards prof. Oak!

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