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How was your Auckgeddon? 8D

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Highlander. 27/10/10, 11:22 am

Bedemmy wrote:
@Highlander: Was the drunk person at Burger King me??

Well I doubt they even knew Floyd was drunk.
You were the other one after the ball.
Well drunker than they normally have in a burger king anyway.

Tails uploading yours now. Your Dads will be uploaded sometime.
dark CHii

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By shari. 27/10/10, 12:23 pm

@cap'n crunch omg joel!!! its ari the one who destroyes the other plane with a katakana XD

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Bedemmy. 27/10/10, 02:43 pm

@Kitten and Highlander: Let it be known I was the Queen of Dance at the Geddon ball! XD Had such an awesome time.
delicious, delicious pie
delicious, delicious pie

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Highlander. 27/10/10, 02:45 pm

You also camera whored half the rick roll video.
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
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Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Father Nightroad. 27/10/10, 03:04 pm

Amazing.... Got Vic Manoga wid me in a pic and SHOOK HANDS WID HIM!!!!
Father Nightroad
Father Nightroad

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Cap'n Crunch. 27/10/10, 04:48 pm

shari wrote:
@cap'n crunch omg joel!!! its ari the one who destroyes the other plane with a katakana XD

Hey, hows it going? That was truely an epic slash. That flimsy plane never stood a chance. Do you know who else from your group comes onto the forums?
Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch

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Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Synthacon9. 27/10/10, 04:54 pm

My Auckgeddon was a short one, as I was busy working the EB booth on monday, and I was unable to attend on any previous day, but I got heaps of time to walk around, check out all of the cool stuff! Sadly missed the cosplay comp cause I had to leave early sad

Number of posts : 32
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Registration date : 2010-10-25

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By RegnieRiku. 28/10/10, 09:46 am

Tired, hungry, didn't finish Ezio, grumpy, aargh.
Entered comp anyway with unfinished entry and won novice skit award.

seXAH <3

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Maxi-me. 29/10/10, 05:23 am

My auckgeddon experience started on friday this year ^___^

it was pure awesomeness. better than last year. apart from the fact that all my cosplays failed apart from my shikamaru >.< (with gravity not being a good friend to my hair)
spent geddon with my Jubei chan and Momo Chan. (momo chans first geddon experience)
they loved it.
was wanting Con to stay longer but due to a certain someone Con didnt stay all weekend >.< (sorreh for the noise and illicit scene you may have witnessed Conbam, we luff you)

glad to have met cosplayers from Taranaki!! yous know who you are ROOM 11 Wink

apart from nearly being kicked out from the building manager that liked me so much before saying she wasnt really going to kick me out. it was pure awesomeness in its raw form of being ME!!

seee i am 'that' awesome!

<3 Maxi

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Registration date : 2009-08-29

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Yunca. 29/10/10, 01:51 pm

Mine was awesum, crazy and full of sugar...and L&P lol (my #1 drink dat weekend)
um Met sum new people which was kewl and coming first in the amv contest was such a surprise Shocked it made the weekend for me.

Number of posts : 346
Age : 31
Location : Dunedin
Transforms into : a Panda
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Registration date : 2009-11-27

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By jpwise. 30/10/10, 11:35 am

I'm finally home!!!!

Good geddon, soooo busy though. Didn't get as many photos as I thought i would since I was backwards and forward between rooms and Statics photoshoots, all in all a good geddon though.

Photos are being uploaded at this minute, link will be posted in photo thread when they're done. :)

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Koemix. 22/11/10, 06:49 am

Yunca wrote:
Mine was awesum, crazy and full of sugar...and L&P lol (my #1 drink dat weekend)
um Met sum new people which was kewl and coming first in the amv contest was such a surprise Shocked it made the weekend for me.
same here~ L&P is good after geddon xD
Congratz! the amv contest was awesome :O

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Re: How was your Auckgeddon? 8D
Post By Yunca. 22/11/10, 02:54 pm

i know ay lol absolutly love it now.
aw thankyou.
i know ^-^ so cool!! Razz

Number of posts : 346
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2009-11-27

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