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A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)

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A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 11/10/10, 11:04 am


There are many things that bind us Cos-players together. Enthusiasm for costume making, anime, manga, games, foreign cultures, and tons more. But one thing that seems to be a constant in almost all my dealings with Cos-players, is the urge to stalk. No, I do not mean follow home, or anything of that creepy sort. I mean at a con, stalking people cosplaying your favourite characters, or your friends just for fun.
Most, if not all of you, have jokingly threatened to 'stalk' your friends, or other CNZ'ers for photos.
Well folks, here is your chance to test those skills!
Welcome, to Armageddon Assassination.
Who has the guts, the skills, and the determination to be the bestthere ever was, and rise to the challenge.

Basic Outline:

Should you sign up, you will become an assassin. You will receive an Assignment the day before Auck'Geddon(via PM). Within this assignment will be a single piece of information about your target. This could be anything, from a username, a real name, a picture, or even the name of a character they are cosplaying.
In addition to this piece of information, you will also be given an 'assassination' method. This corresponds to what you must do in order to eliminate that person from the challenge.
Once you have eliminated your target, you will receive a point. Your next target will be collected from your previous target, and you will continue on to your next victim.
As people begin to get eliminated, the number of players will reduce and eventually come down to just two people remaining. You have won the challenge once you 'assassinate' the person who was is targeting you.

How to Sign Up:

If you think you would enjoy participating in this event, do the following:
1. Leave a comment below expressing your interest in such an event,
2. PM me(Phlaming Phoenix-), with any questions you for some reason do not wish to post in the thread,
3. When you have decided to enter, PM me with 'AIA Sign Up' in the subject bar.

A bit more detail:

It is not possible to get yourself as your target unless you are the last person in the game.
Assassination methods will vary depending on the target, if need be they will be checked with the target to make sure they are ok with it.
NO, this will not include any actual violence, apologies psychopaths.
If you have any concerns or queries about this please please please post them and/or PM me.
More details will be added closer to the time,
If you have an assassination method you wish to suggest/request, please include it in a PM, rather than stating it below. As much as possible of the actual game itself, I would prefer to keep secret until the actual assignments are given out. ninja

Thank you, and Happy Hunting twisted

Allright guys, Sign ups are closed now.
I would everyone who has signed up, or who has posted in this thread as 'being in' to send me a PM containing the following:

At least ONE of:
1. Your Name,
2. A picture of yourself you don't mind using, i.e. a profile pic or DP,
3. A description of yourself (physical appearance).
Any details about who you will be cosplaying on each day(if you are cosplaying)
One or more requested assassination methods(These are not guaranteed to be the ones I actually use).
Your last access to internet
When you will be at the Con itself.

If I have any questions with any of the above, I will PM you.
Also, if you choose to submit a description of yourself, and I do not think it is detailed enough for the purposes of this game, I will PM you.

EDIT #2:

Alright guys, the time is nearly upon us! Some people have already left for geddon, and so have already received their Assignments.
I am currently working on assignment PM's and will likely be doing so late into tonight, and for a good chunk of tomorrow. I aim to have all the assignments out by tomorrow evening/night. If you are leaving soon and/or require your assignments early for whatever reason please PM me about it.
Additionally, if it comes to the day before the con, and you have not received one, please let me know. I hope I have not missed anyone in my organisation but it is possible, so please just let me know.
If you have any questions about your Assignments I will answer what I can. There is a contact number in the assignment messages, so please use that. Txt only please.
So, Final additions to the rules:

1. Should you wish to stop playing the game for any reason, please notify me ASAP. I would ask that should your target wish to stop playing during your assassination, that you stop immediately. You will be given a new target and continue playing from there.

2. Fair play and honesty will be very important in this game. As I will not actually be present to answer questions, a lot of things will have to be sorted out between each other. The exceptions to this is that a) You can txt me and I will answer what I can, and b) In addition to this you may ask Hyolee123. She has been helping me organise a few things and will hopefully be able to answer a few questions.

3. Please carry with you a copy of your assignment. Alternatively, write down or memorize the key parts to your assignment, such as: Your target, Method of Assassination, and information about your target. This means that should you be assassinated, the game may continue. Thank you.

4. The game does not begin until 10:30am on the Saturday. This ensures that most people will have arrived, and have gotten into the swing of things. If you arrive after this time, you enter the game as soon as you enter the con. Once you step through those doors, you are fair game, and may begin hunting your target. I do not know the layout or schedule for Auckgeddon, but as for out-of-bounds areas, we will begin with the Cosplay Competition. You may not be assassinated while participating in this or observing this event.

5. HAVE FUN! Enjoy yourself. This is what this game, and all of Armageddon is about, so do not forget this rule!

Thank you all for signing up, and I hope you enjoy the game.
Once again, if you have any questions PM or txt me, and I will answer them as best as I can.

Last edited by Phlaming Phoenix- on 20/10/10, 05:29 pm; edited 3 times in total
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Angeal~
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-03

A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED) Vide
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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Rikku. 11/10/10, 11:13 am

OoooooooooOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOoooooo This sounds HEAPS interesting!!!!!! 8D 8D 8D >D
marshmallow ninja

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By TinTango. 11/10/10, 11:21 am

Rayjin was describing something like this earlier....

count me in!
(Dibs on doing the MC Hammer dance right in front of my target, as a method of assassination!)

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Cactiberry. 11/10/10, 11:22 am

Is there an age limit?
Otherwise totally keen!
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2283
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2009-06-20

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By hyolee123. 11/10/10, 11:25 am


Last edited by hyolee123 on 11/10/10, 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 547
Age : 30
Location : Taranaki
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Registration date : 2010-01-03

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By commandercandyfloss. 11/10/10, 11:25 am

But you know that already <3
banana in pajamas ;O

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 11/10/10, 11:25 am

@Rikku: you know you are keen ;)
@TinTango: Haha, most badass assassination ever. That should totally be a secret move in like Assassins Creed or something xD
@Cacti: No age limit :)
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Angeal~
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-03

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Guest. 11/10/10, 11:31 am

This sounds like the most epicest thing ever!!!

PP-senpai i wanna join ~

Do you have to Cosplay for this?


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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Blooberry. 11/10/10, 11:43 am

Totally keen! ahhhh I want to do a double agent assasination with Cacti xD because i would be too shy to do anything on my own

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 11/10/10, 11:44 am

@J: you do not have to cosplay for this, no. But it could be to your advantage :)
@Bloo: That may or may not be possible. I will be creating a lot of the actual setup over the next few days.
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Angeal~
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-03

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Kitten Slave. 11/10/10, 11:44 am

I guess it sounds amusing...
Only if my assassination method can be me leaning over and seductively whispering "Bang! You are dead" into my targets ear...


Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
forum prisoner.

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Location : When not in Auckland, Stalking cute girls...
Transforms into : A horny school girl.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2007-12-04

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By commandercandyfloss. 11/10/10, 11:45 am

Ohoho, I have so many plans for this.
banana in pajamas ;O

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Registration date : 2008-07-16

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Guest. 11/10/10, 11:46 am

@Kitten Slave


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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 11/10/10, 11:47 am

It very well could be.
Oh, and for future personalised assassination requests/suggestions, please PM them to me. We dont want our victims knowing too much now would we? ;)

Last edited by Phlaming Phoenix- on 11/10/10, 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Angeal~
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-03

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Kitten Slave. 11/10/10, 11:49 am

lul, true. We can work something amusing out!
Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2977
Age : 44
Location : When not in Auckland, Stalking cute girls...
Transforms into : A horny school girl.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2007-12-04

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Blooberry. 11/10/10, 11:52 am

A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED) 352708


Number of posts : 1191
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2009-03-24

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Mandie_Chan. 11/10/10, 11:55 am

k Im in~
Optimus Prime

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Zeorymer. 11/10/10, 11:57 am

I'm in. Might as well.

Before mandie signs for me... >_>
Winner of the Team Spirit Award

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Guest. 11/10/10, 11:58 am

Sorry PP-senpai!!!

I can't play on Saturday!!!!!!!

WAA!!! I'm Sowwy!!!


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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Icarus. 11/10/10, 12:23 pm

I'M SO IN!! This is a fantastic idea phoenix!
ACB King '10

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Mandie_Chan. 11/10/10, 12:27 pm

So... there is 1 round that lasts the WHOLE weekend.

What happens when:
1) you know who you are meant to look for but you don't know what they look like/what they are wearing?
2) when someone kills you and you don't have your piece of paper with the name of the person you were meant to kill?
3) group gatherings like cosplay comp/chess/cosplay games/cosplay catwalk/other bring everyone together? Does the game still go on as normal?
Optimus Prime

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Location : Middle Earth - Chch
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Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Tamoo. 11/10/10, 12:33 pm

haha sounds interesting ;D
Sign me up.

Number of posts : 4525
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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 11/10/10, 12:53 pm

@Icarus: thank you :3
1. Half the point in the challenge is to find the person. That is part of being a good stalker/assassin. Use contacts, ask your friends, ask their friends, etc. But remember, if they find out who is hunting them, they will be harder to assassinate.

2. You will have to remember your piece of information unfortunately. Whether that is by memory or by a piece of paper, it doesnt matter. Alternatively, I can use a contact or two, and organise actual assignment pieces of paper to be handed out on the first day of the con.

3. As for group gatherings, some may be 'assassination free' zones, such as Cosplay Competition. And if the organisers of other cosplay gatherings does not want this to possibly interfere with their event, they can PM me and/or let me know and those will be added to the 'assassination free' zones.

A full list of rules will be posted. But hopefully it wont be too long, since when have stalkers/assassins? payed attention to rules anyway?

A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED) 352708
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Angeal~
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-03

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Emo!Axel. 11/10/10, 01:23 pm

You had me at the word stalker/assassins.

I'm so in.

Number of posts : 629
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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
Post By Tails. 11/10/10, 01:30 pm

I'm keen! Knowing me I'll get killed straight away. T.T"

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Registration date : 2008-10-06

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Re: A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)
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A Challenge, for all you Stalkers/Ninjas/Assassins out there(UPDATED)

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