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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By sakura_petals. 01/04/11, 09:11 am

Noo!! That means as Emma said either NZAE or Auckgeddon for cosplay. Sucks!!!!

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Highlander. 01/04/11, 11:44 am

You may have enough rooms at the raceway, but whether it's big enough. CBS is big enough. It would have to be done the same as welly, where the main hall, the small room, and the exhibit space are all in the one room, just partitioned off. A noisy alternative. Not sure where the cosplay judging could fit?

Both would be a hassle with security.
dark CHii

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Mandie_Chan. 02/04/11, 12:39 am

Well the other problem is the cost just to use the CBS area is HUGE. Bill would have to be sure he'll get enough profits.
-not to mention what if guests don't want to come because we are Chch city of earthquakes?
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Highlander. 02/04/11, 02:48 am

I am sure Bill will work through these issues. We will have to wait and see.

List of buildings currently published via the council.

One of our favourite buildings is safe.

[EDIT BY MOD: Please don't double post - please use the edit button at the top right hand corner of your post. :)]
dark CHii

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By sakura_petals. 06/04/11, 01:09 pm

So I was in town today - actually it was South City but that's as close to town as you get these days. I saw heaps I stuff that had already come down - Kutwells is safe!!! The smell of rotting food was everywhere and really gross!! My Mum and I had a wander around the cordons and such so if you want to know about things near the city centre then go and ask.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Highlander. 09/04/11, 02:28 pm

Listen out for the last thing said in the article.
dark CHii

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By GothLoli. 09/04/11, 02:41 pm

Highlander wrote:

Listen out for the last thing said in the article.

It said that people are coming from Christchurch to head up to Welly Geddon ? What's so special about that ? That's normal.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By JoXaZe. 09/04/11, 02:49 pm

The reporter said that Bill will still have a smaller version of Armageddon held in Christchurch. :)

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By GothLoli. 10/04/11, 12:43 pm

Oh whoops !

Thanks for clearing up the mistake xD';

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Mandie_Chan. 11/04/11, 06:30 am

JoXaZe wrote:
The reporter said that Bill will still have a smaller version of Armageddon held in Christchurch. :)

^I talked with Bill about Chchgeddon and he said a few things:
1) that he was hoping to use Canty Uni
2) it was going to be smaller and [he hoped to have] have free entry
3) the CCC (Christchurch City Council xD) is not being very helpful at all which is why there is so much uncertainty with the whole event

I don't know if people can open this but here is the latest updates regarding the Town hall and Convention centre
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By MajorNightside. 11/04/11, 08:24 am

I wasn't able to.
Le grande

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Highlander. 11/04/11, 09:07 am

Mandie_Chan wrote:
JoXaZe wrote:
The reporter said that Bill will still have a smaller version of Armageddon held in Christchurch. :)

^I talked with Bill about Chchgeddon and he said a few things:
1) that he was hoping to use Canty Uni
2) it was going to be smaller and [he hoped to have] have free entry
3) the CCC (Christchurch City Council xD) is not being very helpful at all which is why there is so much uncertainty with the whole event

I don't know if people can open this but here is the latest updates regarding the Town hall and Convention centre

Something about permissions?
dark CHii

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Highlander. 16/04/11, 02:55 pm

So hopefully everyone still has power/phone/nets/water/sewage after that little shock?
dark CHii

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Riven_. 13/06/11, 06:31 am

Everyone okay? We lost power here in Shirley for about ten minutes, but we're alright now. Me, mandie and the rest of the family are all ok.
Advice Guru

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Mandie_Chan. 13/06/11, 06:33 am

just had a friend from hagley high school come round, seems odd that students are being sent home after that 5.5 then again I guess they have to re-check the buildings?

kia Kaha Christchurch!
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Madam Madhatter. 13/06/11, 06:40 am

Same as you for power (about 10min).
Liquefaction- More water than sand, not a huge amount so thats okay.
Looks like we may have lost sewage again *sigh*

It was bad in that is was so strong from the start. Just BAM! Also bumpy!

Funny thing is EQC was doing checks on our street at the time. We go outside and there they were!
Lots of jokes about them getting better and faster at checking.
Madam Madhatter
Madam Madhatter

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By MajorNightside. 13/06/11, 08:16 am

It's not so bad where I am. Temporary loss of power and some minor damage. So glad I left the glass shelving down after the 5.5
Le grande

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Lumissne. 13/06/11, 08:40 am

Maddi/Pyro and I are fine. My room is wrecked though, half of my furniture is broken :l

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 13/06/11, 09:29 am

I'm fine but a bit shaken up (No pun intended Razz ) IcyRose and Highlander are fine too. My internet has been disconnecting all day so if nobody hears from me for a while then that's probably why. sad My family is safe, thank God, spoke to Dad just now. chuu~! Very Happy I hope everyone is ok. sad

Christchurch, you need to stop shaking already! Ugh, with every little aftershock, I wonder if it's another big one. *Huddles in bed* pale
fraggle rock

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By sakura_petals. 13/06/11, 10:56 am

I hate being at work when they happen!! I'm ok, no power so I'm at my aunt's again for the evening. I know it's stupid but my sewing machine broke and I'm wondering if Geddon will still be on.... or postponed yet again.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Peterofl. 13/06/11, 11:00 am

I heard Addington was hit really badly with liquefaction, so I'm guessing it will be postponed.. sad

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Auroa. 13/06/11, 11:08 am

RainbowMoonDust wrote:
Christchurch, you need to stop shaking already! Ugh, with every little aftershock, I wonder if it's another big one. *Huddles in bed* pale

^ That.
Enough is enough for physics sake.

I hope everyone is okay!

My family is fine, house is a mess but standing.

I was at work at the zoo... climbing a fence with our volunteer, when the 5.5 happened... it pretty much felt like September. I heard a boom then the rumble then a huge jerk then a lot of rocking... we were so lucky not to have got thrown off :<
All the trees around us were going mental. But once it was finished it was so quiet, no birds chirping or anything... only the sound of sirens in the distance.

After we all checked everyone was okay and checked the structures and all the animals, we went inside the Reptile house to continue work, and listen to the radio to see if there was any damage. But then the 6 happened. It didn't feel as bad which is bizarre, but I was sorta running in the middle to some kids who were screaming to see if they were okay.

Its just unsettling. It was so different being at work. You forget your own worry/stress and automatically worry about the public and the animals, in between trying to find out about your own family and friends, with the ground still rumbling and moving underneath.
The screams of everyone... is more scary to me then the shaking itself.
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Lumissne. 13/06/11, 11:16 am

Peterofl wrote:
I heard Addington was hit really badly with liquefaction, so I'm guessing it will be postponed.. sad

Uh oh, my formal is there too D8

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Highlander. 13/06/11, 11:42 am

sakura_petals wrote:
I hate being at work when they happen!! I'm ok, no power so I'm at my aunt's again for the evening. I know it's stupid but my sewing machine broke and I'm wondering if Geddon will still be on.... or postponed yet again.

Peterofl wrote:
I heard Addington was hit really badly with liquefaction, so I'm guessing it will be postponed.. sad

The liquefaction can be quite localized. Then there is the non-liquefaction damage. It stood up last time. No reason for it not to now. A vague possibility it could be used by Civil Defense for a while. But probably be fine, but you never know.

For the record the cat apparently sat there looking miffed. I thought she would be AWOL for a few hours.
dark CHii

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By The Doctor. 13/06/11, 11:50 am

Lumissne wrote:
Peterofl wrote:
I heard Addington was hit really badly with liquefaction, so I'm guessing it will be postponed.. sad

Uh oh, my formal is there too D8

Oh frack! So is mine.......
Hope it isn't too damaged.
The Doctor
The Doctor

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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.

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