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Reel Anime 2010 - Four Films By CMKMStephens. 28/08/10, 06:15 pm
Basically, Madman is hosting something called 'Reelanime 2010' this September which is putting Evangelion 2.0, Redline, Summer Wars, and King of Thorn in NZ cinema's in September. Wellington will have the Paramount as the venue, the Rialto's in Auck/Christ/Dunedin elsewhere. Redline, we'll be seeing before it's even released in Japan apparently.
Number of posts : 634 Age : 36 Location : Wellington Transforms into : Little Nellie Gender : Undisclosed Registration date : 2008-04-13
Re: Reel Anime 2010 - Four Films By carnione. 29/08/10, 04:26 am
*squee* Evangelion!
... looking at the Screening Details... I am very mad/sad. It is playing at Lygon Street in Melbourne as well! I used to live 30 minutes from there.... D8
Shall try to be at the Wellington one! :)
carnione EPICLY EPIC
Number of posts : 662 Age : 28 Location : Palmerston North Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-11-07
Re: Reel Anime 2010 - Four Films By Nikopol. 29/08/10, 11:43 am
Redline is going to be amazing and you will be missing out if you do not see it.
Nikopol Tophat
Number of posts : 141 Age : 36 Location : Toronto, Canada Gender : Male Registration date : 2010-06-04
Re: Reel Anime 2010 - Four Films By Riven_. 29/08/10, 06:21 pm
hnnnnnrgh oh poverty, why do you keep me from seeing all of these movies? ;~~~;
I think I'll try to see Eva at least. Maaaaybe Redline if I can scrounge the cash from somewhere...
Riven_ Advice Guru
Number of posts : 1961 Age : 36 Location : Chch~ Transforms into : The Procrastinator! Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-05-03
Re: Reel Anime 2010 - Four Films By Saiyajin Mui. 31/08/10, 01:17 pm
A3 are planning to go to the 8:30pm screening of Eva 2.0 on September 11. Anybody want to meet up?
Saiyajin Mui EPICLY EPIC
Number of posts : 665 Age : 35 Location : Ashburton Transforms into : Satsujinki Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-05-14
Re: Reel Anime 2010 - Four Films By Cassiel. 31/08/10, 03:44 pm
... I will probably go to this. Thanks for the head's up~
Cassiel champaign supernova~
Number of posts : 820 Age : 32 Location : Middle-Earth biatches >:D Transforms into : Eating pudding. Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-09-19
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