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Quick question about the forums

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Re: Quick question about the forums
Post By Deathscythe Hell. 15/07/10, 04:25 am

This sort of discussion can go from civil to flame war very quick tho.ive seen it before on other sites that havent banned discussion on it.

But if you guys dont think it should be whatevz im bearly on here so i guess it doesnt matter to much to me.Just wanted to proved help to stop some trouble that could potenitaly happen due to there not being any rules on it.
Deathscythe Hell
Deathscythe Hell

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Re: Quick question about the forums
Post By JVCA. 15/07/10, 04:32 am

Jeez, this thread is ridiculous. Here's the official mod response, and I'm locking this thread because it is all just a bunch of SILLYBZNS.

TL;DR: We allow discussion, not arguement here. You wanna discuss a delicate subject? Totes fine so long as you are mature about it and it doesn't breach the PG-13 rule. It is NOT acceptable to make confrontational posts (of which I see one or two here from all parties B|) because THAT is what turns a thread from a discussion to an arguement.

Discussions are interesting and widen people's fields of view, but arguements are petty and timewasting.

As such, we mod on a thread-by-thread basis. We identify threads that have the potential to get out of hand and watch them like hawks. If someone overreacts or takes offense, depending on the scale of the dramu we either delete the posts that made the thread go downhill (for example, in this one I'd be eeleting Pseudonym's post for it's accusatory tone. We call this purging) or if the thread is not salvagable, we confiscate it to a hidden forum to keep as evidence.

Either way, we issue warnings to those who made the thread go sour. You may have noticed there's no rule against political/religious discussion, but there IS a rule against making comments designed to start an arguement, and we use that heavily in dramu. We also have a rule against making hateful comments which often is violated in dramu.

Basically -

"I physics hate Greenpeace, they're all a punch of pothead wankers!" = NOT okay

"I dislike Greenpeace for their affinity with marijuana legalisation and the impact they have on commercial entities when they try to inflict their ideals on other people." = awesome.

The first is someone being a whiny little smarmy wrench who's out to offend people. The latter createsthe start of an interesting discussion.

{/text wall}

I hope this makes sense - I just woke up. Anyone with queries can PM a mod; I'm locking this topic.
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Re: Quick question about the forums
Post By jpwise. 15/07/10, 04:33 am

*snap* beaten to the mod reply by JVCA. But there you go.


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