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NZAE Memories Thread!

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By TinTango. 12/05/10, 02:25 pm

Basaka wrote:
Tintango is Tintango. And Tintango is awesome.

I sitll find it funny how the people who started the eating contest ate the least.

Thanks for saying! But I sat next to Ryan and he ate way more than me.... though I did eat dessert first, on my second plate (if that counts for anything), and yes Seraphik... I do remember the sound that jelly made- I don't think I'll ever think of jelly in quite the same way, ever again.

Thought the salt shaker was fortuitously shaped.

Hmmmm... Jammin with Mandie was mega-fun, especially while you guys were studiously working on
your costumes... will definitely practise and do it again for the next comp.

My best memories were just when we were chilling at various points during the con....

on the upstairs chairs/at the pearl tea place/on the couch making fun of the russian cat or even just
walking to and from places. Thats when I really got to talk to people and realise how awesome we all are,
even without the cosplay facet of things.

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By moonlight293. 12/05/10, 03:00 pm

I just loved participating! It was my first cosplay ever, and I had so much fun! ^__^ Everyone was stunning!
-shares the love-
Le grande

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Yunca. 12/05/10, 03:27 pm

lol where was the afterparty thingy we heard people singing anime songs going past our motel lol.
oh and the laundry hamper was fun lol my friend was hlf asleep when she was sewing my friends cosplay and you could fit like 6+ people in it lol.

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 12/05/10, 03:33 pm

Quote :
i think one of my (most traumatic) memories would have to be crammed into our room on saturday night with a small horde of people that were helping me finish painting my himawari kimono... thanks to alice/emma/steph/matt/ryan it got done in time...

I feel really bad that I didn't help earlier and that I only helped a little, but I have never handpainted before and I was afraid of screwing it up. ashamed But I knew I could paint over the white flowers that you wanted redone, because I know that even I can't screw that up if it's basically been done and I'm just adding an extra coat of paint over the top. sweatdrop

Quote :

This! ^^ And how he got really sulky and refused to have his picture taken with the wig on, lol. Laughing Razz

*Just hanging out with all you guys on saturday night was just awesome, I had so much fun just talking and joking around with everyone. I am so sharing a room with you guys at the next event! Very Happy

*The Russian cat

*Going on my date with Lennon and Meghan at Timezone and finally getting to catch up with them.

*Johnny Young Bosh playing the guitar for us and recounting the story of the homeless woman. Laughing

*Stalking Moonlight/Gin chuu~! and getting awesome photos of her and her friend who was cosplaying as Rukia.

*Seeing an Ishida/Quincy archer cosplayer, omg! *Fangirls* chuu~! I so want to cosplay him one day! nodnod

*Sharing a table with Anne, Angie and Matt and Anne filming Matt and Angie being unable to eat due to fits of laughter. (All Matt's fault). We had the most fun/epic table ever! Very Happy nodnod

*Getting my very own Tetsuiga! thumbsup cheers Now I have the sword, time to make the cosplay ... eventually, yes I so plan on cosplaying Inuyasha one day, the sword looks awesome btw. Wink

*The Amv and cosplay contest. 8D

*The cosplay chess and the dances. The dances were so much fun! Very Happy I forgot some of Hona Sainara, I need to practice it more. Embarassed T_T

I'm sad I missed out on Mandie's waffles and Alice's brownies and I wish I could have hung out with you guys more. sad

But it was fun and awesome hanging with everyone when I did, can't wait to do it again! Very Happy

fraggle rock

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By iristigerlily. 12/05/10, 04:17 pm

My first cosplay, so very nervous but I had a fantastic time.


* actually cosplaying for the first time D:

* taking photos around Uni during lunch break and afterwards

* some weird looks from locals

* scattering like rabbits to get out of the background of a graduate photo (there's some poor science student with two shinigami and two regular humans in the back of her shot going "oh noes!")

* "Ichimaru-taichou, please desist."

* Being asked for photos. Not that I'm being egotistical, but it really flattered me that so many people enjoyed my costume, since it was my first one.


Number of posts : 114
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Location : Dunedin
Transforms into : lazy-no-jutsu
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Registration date : 2009-10-27

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By seraphik. 12/05/10, 04:29 pm

@moonlight & iris; you guys looked so awesome! ;^; i don't know if i got a chance to say it to you in person, but you both rocked as rukia & gin.

transient mod of fury

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 12/05/10, 05:09 pm

Quote :
@moonlight & iris; you guys looked so awesome! ;^; i don't know if i got a chance to say it to you in person, but you both rocked as rukia & gin.


Omg! That dance! We got a Gin to dance in it, yay! chuu~! Woohoo

Quote :
* "Ichimaru-taichou, please desist."

I love that avatar so much, I want to steal it! chuu~! Omfg, Gin! chuu~! *Flying/tackle/glomp/hug/squishes* chuu~! I want to cosplay with you Moonlight, please, join our Bleach group at AuckGeddon and we can both be Gins! chuu~! puppyeyes nodnod
fraggle rock

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Registration date : 2008-10-08

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By iristigerlily. 12/05/10, 05:19 pm

seraphik wrote:
@moonlight & iris; you guys looked so awesome! ;^; i don't know if i got a chance to say it to you in person, but you both rocked as rukia & gin.


*blushes* Thanks so much! I'm sure everyone remembers their first cosplay, so you know how apprehensive we were. Thanks to everyone who made my first go at cosplaying such a positive and thoroughly enjoyable one!

(Moonlight just rocked the Hona Sainara dance. I wasn't expecting to have the music there, so that was a fantastic surprise!)

Number of posts : 114
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Location : Dunedin
Transforms into : lazy-no-jutsu
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Registration date : 2009-10-27

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 12/05/10, 06:00 pm

I AM Lady Gaga!

I am remembering this the rest of my life...

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By MajorNightside. 13/05/10, 02:25 am

Best memories:
- Hanging out with everyone at the backpackers
- Buying the sword cane

Worst memories
- The incredible string of bad luck I had
- The sword cane breaking (returned it and got a gunblade)
Le grande

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By moonlight293. 13/05/10, 03:48 am

@RainbowMoonDust Haha, it was fun being stalked! ^__^ The Ishida guy was amazing! Surprised I loved his bow! <3
Argh, I would love to - but I don't think I would be able to go to Auckland since I study
down here in Dunedin! D: Would be epic if I could though! (LOVE your icon btw!)

@seraphik Thank you! It was so much fun - and it's so much better to be a part of it
rather than spectating (as I have done other years). BEST DANCE EVER! >3

DANCING WAS SO AMAZING! Very Happy I had so much fun!

AH, there were some Chinese guys who all wanted photos with me and Iris. Turns out they were touring the head of a department (can't remember which) from a Chinese university! NZ Represent? xD
Le grande

Number of posts : 192
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Registration date : 2009-11-22

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By iristigerlily. 13/05/10, 06:53 am

moonlight293 wrote:
AH, there were some Chinese guys who all wanted photos with me and Iris. Turns out they were touring the head of a department (can't remember which) from a Chinese university! NZ Represent? xD

Hmm... was he something to do with agriculture? I remember Elspeth saying something like that cause I thought NZ was probably a good place to come for that.

They took about 50 photos! It was awesome Very Happy So now we're world-famous in NZ... and CHINA!

(Although Elspeth did tell them it was a 'cultural day' after 'anime convention' didn't quite translate... so NZ has National Bleach Day, now?)

Number of posts : 114
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Registration date : 2009-10-27

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By MajorNightside. 13/05/10, 06:58 am

Also lolsiest moment: Almost everyone getting my CNZ username wrong.
Le grande

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By lilapmedia. 13/05/10, 07:45 am

^^ Pfft ALMOST everyone Very Happy Im not one of them!

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Minato_mori. 13/05/10, 08:51 am

lilapmedia wrote:
^^ Pfft ALMOST everyone Very Happy Im not one of them!

YOU WERE THE WORST ONE! lol I kept saying Rainbow Nightshade and Major Nightshade
fraggle rock

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Ryans-cupcake. 13/05/10, 01:57 pm

He was cool.
paoupu fruit

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Rikku. 13/05/10, 01:58 pm

^-^ I got a picture with him. 8DDDD
I was SO HAPPY! xDDD <3333
marshmallow ninja

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Riven_. 13/05/10, 01:58 pm

Ryans-cupcake wrote:
He was cool.
Yachiru was cooler Razz

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By noodles. 13/05/10, 04:14 pm

Oh yeah, high-fiving Ryan a tetris block after my win.
It's not every day you get to high five a tetris block.

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By IcyRose. 13/05/10, 04:48 pm

Except he was Missingno

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Rikku. 13/05/10, 04:48 pm

xDD Missing No. glitch = awesome- <3333

-Pokemon nerd, right hurr-
marshmallow ninja

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Rolly. 14/05/10, 12:17 pm

New best memory:

Alice: *giggity continuous hysterical laughter*
Jess (at least I think it was Jess): "I think we broke Alice."
forum prisoner.

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By seraphik. 14/05/10, 12:18 pm

i also like how matt managed to make alice swear. or say something mean to him.

and everyone GASPED.
transient mod of fury

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Rolly. 14/05/10, 01:25 pm

I can't even remember what I said. D8
forum prisoner.

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Re: NZAE Memories Thread!
Post By Basaka. 14/05/10, 02:24 pm

Managing to get Alice swear isn't as hard... try annoying me for bonus points. Paul tried, and he broke himself trying. 8D. Just ask Greg.

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