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K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 11/10/10, 03:44 pm

XD ill ask the others if it's okay, i would because i live close, but im busy on friday after the practice thingy :L so i can't sad

LOL yup, but we need permission O_O;; hopefully theres no concert on or something like that at the music department.....

how much would it be??

Oh phew XD do like sections so its jap sentence, english sentence, so they know what's going on. how long's your MC? will we be on stage during it? because u know... XD if its like a speech thingy then yeah. o-o;;

Number of posts : 216
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 12/10/10, 08:08 am

Yay awsums! More practices + fun! I PM'd you with my free days over the next 2 weeks...

Cool Shiro you got a guitar! And um transporting equipment to geddon... I'll ask the guy if we can leave some stuff there on the sunday or saturday, or if we can leave our equipment after the performance, carrying heavy instruments around a con is just... =(.

Weekend practice would be awesome! Or a sleepover... =w= tea time!
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 12/10/10, 08:34 am

ooh things are rolling smoothly~~~~
my free days will pretty much coincide with squishy since her mum gives me a ride xP

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 12/10/10, 09:36 am

So is there anyone's house that we can all stay at~? Sleepover are awesome 8D And I could probably get my dad to bring a rolly trolley thing to transport amps for the morning.. 'cause I'm not strong like Mugi -_-" And I'll bring cake 8D

PS: My MC's will only be short! I'm just going to say things like "We're the K-On bu, the first song we're playing is (bla bla bla)~ and sorry that Giitah's not here, he had to get surgery coz his string broke so I'm using Akarin instead Very Happy etc etc, and then we start.
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 12/10/10, 11:41 am

so there will be a practice this saturday?

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 13/10/10, 03:40 am

I'd really like to host the sleepover this weekend, but I'm already having a sleepover on 'geddon weekend and my parents might get a bit annoyed >.<
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 13/10/10, 01:13 pm

Aww asian parents as! XD Thats alright~
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 13/10/10, 01:52 pm

omg i am so sorry janelle for the place thingy >< it's just my parents are uber asian too and also im BARELY going to armageddon, plus im not even allowed to sleepover for THAT!!

OKAY. so do you guys have guitars+amps+leads?? BECAUSE....

the plan:

THIS WEEK: friday after school

NEXT WEEK: Monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday after school.

guys do you want the weekend practice this week to be at school? i could email them.

BTW i know some of u can't make some of these practices, but just try as hard as you can to come to these, since we only have one and a half weeks left. ><

Number of posts : 216
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Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 13/10/10, 02:07 pm

I could probably come to all of those but next week's wednesday one.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

Number of posts : 1228
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2009-04-15

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 13/10/10, 03:13 pm


it's the email to the big boss of arma. idk the email address katie gave me
i wasn't comfortable sending your contact details to him so yeah i didn't but i can if you..... want me to? O_O;; LOL idk.



This is one of the band members for one of your acts on Monday (different to the person who may have contacted you before).

First of all could you please send me the full details of what is going to happen?? What time, where, when we have to be there, what is happening before hand, how much time we have and anything that we absolutely have to know?

Also, for the instruments and such, we have our own, but we are concerned about the transportation of these instruments to the place on the day. I have been to Armageddon twice before (last year and the year before that) and last year I noticed at the ASB showgrounds there was a long line and filled with people. We are worried on how we should get the equipment there and if there is anything we can do about it.

On that note, we have a drum kit and keyboard that we are providing, but the drum kit is quite large and barely transportable. Could we have some assistance in transporting the drum kit?? It would also be very helpful if there was help getting the equipment TO the venue, because the place where the drum kits are right now is very close to the ASB show grounds. If that's out of the question then we will find a way ourselves some how, but we may need assistance getting all of this equipment from the car park to where the performance is going to happen. We were also thinking of bringing these drum kits and keyboard on the first day of the event (Saturday) and leaving it somewhere backstage in the corner to avoid the main problem in moving everything to there on the day, so we have our own amps+leads+guitars/basses we can take there, instead of huge drum kit pieces and a keyboard+keyboard stand.

Here is some information you might need to know about our band.

BAND: it is a k-on band cosplay which is an anime about high school girls forming a band, this is a well known anime
MEMBERS: there are members

Christine Chae = Mio Akiyama DSL version - voice
Katie Seto = Azusa Nakano - on bass
Maria Ding (Form 3 Student - 13years ) = Tsumugi Kotobuki - on keyboard
Rebecca Lee (Form 3 Student - 13years) = Ritsu Tainaka - on drums
Janelle = Yui Hirasawa - on voice&guitar
Joanna Ji = (Form 3 Student - 13years) = Mio Akiyama - on voice&guitar (Me)

We all have the instruments, and leads, but we are not sure if the amps we have are powerful enough for the performance.
Also extension chords might be required to plug everything in, and microphones and stands are needed also, but I heard that you are willing to provide those?

We apologize for the many requests and questions we ask of you and we completely understand if you cannot do anything about these situations, and understand that Armageddon is a huge event that is filled with many different situations at hand.

Also thank you for letting us perform at Armageddon!!

Yours Sincerely,

the K-ON Band


Contact information*:

If you wish to contact us or ask/inform us of anything you can contact us via the following:

SMS: 021-160-1103

*This contact information will direct you only to Joanna Ji, but information will be passed on to other band members.


Number of posts : 216
Age : 27
Location : New Zealand (how ironic)
Transforms into : COOKIES~
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 13/10/10, 03:23 pm

sugar honey iced tea FORGOT UR AGES.

Number of posts : 216
Age : 27
Location : New Zealand (how ironic)
Transforms into : COOKIES~
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 14/10/10, 12:59 am

I'm 15... 16 by the time of geddon.

And he asked me for a band blurb, and can we discuss that on friday? I posted the basic thing a few pages back, but we might wanna add more.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

Number of posts : 1228
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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 14/10/10, 08:32 am

I'm 15 8D That sounds pretty good, but instead of "voice" use "vocals". And why am I singing! I can't sing!
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 14/10/10, 08:39 am

Oh and Squishy, please check your Facebook!
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

Number of posts : 321
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Registration date : 2009-02-09

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 14/10/10, 12:25 pm

OH. NEL. ur not singing?! O_O

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 15/10/10, 02:22 am

You and NYAFUUN will be singing.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

Number of posts : 1228
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2009-04-15

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By KuroHattoNeko. 15/10/10, 10:20 am

We sounded soooooo awesome today!!! I can't wait till next week XD


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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 15/10/10, 10:30 am

^i sound terrible right now! its as bad as yui singing fuwa fuwa time when she had a cold Dx *please go away in time for performance* sniffle

EDIT: uhmmm would lowering the key be too much trouble? i think its mostly the keyboard that confuses me. i keep starting with the wrong key @.@ (for me to handle)

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 15/10/10, 11:27 am

Yeah, Lowering the key is a menace, we'd have to re-learn everything -_- If u want to sing with headphones on that's fine, I'm gonna wear headphones on the day aswell.. probably.. And noo I don't think I can handle singing in front of a crowd D: I'm embarrassed enough singing infront of u guys >_< Plus when I sing I muck up my guitar.

PS: I'll probably not be able to make it to any of the practices next week except friday and monday. I'm going to ask my mom to take me..
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

Number of posts : 321
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Registration date : 2009-02-09

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 16/10/10, 10:05 am

;-; Okay... Me + NYAFUUN are probably only gonna be able to make monday and tuesday.

I'm gonna make a banner for my sig to promote the band. Anyone else want one?
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

Number of posts : 1228
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Registration date : 2009-04-15

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 16/10/10, 02:25 pm

I does 8D Thankies~!
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

Number of posts : 321
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2009-02-09

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 17/10/10, 07:14 am

How's the Hare Hare Yukai coming along for everyone?
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 17/10/10, 07:18 am

Good- I have to stop putting my own movements + timing in by accident! We should probably have... Yui in the middle? Mio(s?) in the middle?
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 18/10/10, 11:45 am

Can I be in the middle? 'cause I've got the ending of the Haruhi part suited, plus Shiro's already learned the Mikuru part..
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 18/10/10, 12:35 pm

Okay. You want me as Yuki or one of the boys?

Edit: Here's the banners guys, just put K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] - Page 11  at the beginning of the links and at the end.
K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] - Page 11 Band_b13
K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] - Page 11 Yui_ba11
K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] - Page 11 Band_b14

And get posting/active!
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

Number of posts : 1228
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Registration date : 2009-04-15

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