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K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]

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K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 27/04/10, 08:36 am

K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] K-on-gekichuka-shu-album-ho-kago-tea-time

2010 Auckgeddon's done now guys, we rocked! Anyone up for next year? Check out the new inspiration pics!

Photos/vids of us:
The playtech guy:!!...&p=43837
Yucheng's Fuwa Fuwa Time video:
Photos of us on facebook:

-Nel teh Duckeh/Janelle- Yui- School uniform
-Shirochocojo/Joanna- Mio- School Uniform
-KuroHattoNeko/Rebecca- Ritsu- School Uniform
-Ding Dong(?)/Maria- Tsumugi- School Uniform
-Me/Squishy Blob/Katie- Azusa- School uniform
-lolixNYAFUUN/Christine- Mio- Don't Say Lazy!



Last edited by Squishy blob on 26/10/10, 10:26 am; edited 14 times in total
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Guest. 27/04/10, 08:57 am

Was planning/hoping to do a Mio Highschool cosplay this year, would it be okay to join ??

The Highschool Naruto group is on the Monday, so might do a half/ day or choose- dunno. But really want to cosplay as Mio..


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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 27/04/10, 09:11 am

It'd nice if we could have at least all the band members in uniform first, but otherwise I think I'll leave that up to ShiroChocoJo. Winter/Summer variations are allowed, and the more people the better, but I'll go ask her on facebook. I'm sure she'll be fine with it.

And if by some miracle of organization we do enter the competition with a performance, It'd probably be best to have one of each character enter.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 27/04/10, 02:42 pm

Are we still up for performing? Otherwise I'll be lazy and won't learn songs from season 2 Razz
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 29/04/10, 10:34 am

;-; Now without Duckehs Minion we have fewer people + equipment + awesome... but if we can get organized it's still possible.

How about we consider performing once the group is fuller- say once we get a Tsumugi and Ritsu.

@maka Shiro says she doesn't mind a double!
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 30/04/10, 05:01 pm

Sounds good ~ Hows everyone's cosplays going?
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 01/05/10, 12:26 pm

Blazer = needs dart altering, button adding and changing.

Skirt = needs making. I know how, but finding the right colour fabric in spotlight is a nightmare. It's like the everything is too blue or too grey.

Shirt = easy. plain white shirt borrowed from brother.

I'm planning on making a red fender guitar with THIS tutorial.

Also, ShiroChocoJo says she has friends who want to do Tsumugi and Ritsu. K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] Icon_cheers
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 02/05/10, 09:21 am

OH I know! Isn't spotlight EVIL?! And don't forget to get ribbon material.
And COOL now we has (maybe) a drummer + keyboard Very Happy
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 04/05/10, 04:46 am

er im not sure about tsumugi/ritsu

because they want to perform more than just cosplay^

so if we're like, playing performing tsumugi's in cuz shes cancelling a cosplay for this? yeah.

and i dont mind about mio if its just for cosplay. yup its fine.

i just need a blazer and tie!!
the tie wil be easy but BLAZER?!
help peoplez? ^^"

also does any of you have equipment we could use? maybe we shud ask CNZ if anyone has any owo

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 04/05/10, 04:47 am

er im not sure about tsumugi/ritsu

because they want to perform more than just cosplay^

so if we're like, playing performing tsumugi's in cuz shes cancelling a cosplay for this? yeah.

and i dont mind about mio if its just for cosplay. yup its fine.

i just need a blazer and tie!!
the tie wil be easy but BLAZER?!
help peoplez? ^^"

also does any of you have equipment we could use? maybe we shud ask CNZ if anyone has any owo

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Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 04/05/10, 02:57 pm

Oh - well I'll perform if everyone else is. OH WAIT does this mean I have to do vocals naoz? D:> I can't sing for sugar honey iced tea (>3<)"
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 05/05/10, 03:24 pm

LOL if we do the performance YES you will be singing.
you can play guitar right? Very Happy

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 05/05/10, 03:50 pm

okay, I'll try to find out how to organise a performance at geddon. In the meantime keep looking for instruments and equipment.

I'll put up a poll and some info/other performance stuff to be sorted out tomorrow.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 06/05/10, 09:19 am

Wait guys that's not fair D: I actually can't sing! i'll ruin the whole song! But yes, I can play guitar..
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 06/05/10, 09:30 am

It's okay, lolizNYAFUUN says she'll do vocals too. You guys just have to sort out who will be doing which guitar part and I'll see if I can make this thread into a poll to decide on the songs.

@Shiro- Do you want your friends to be part of the performance only or be group people too?
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 06/05/10, 09:40 am

yeah vocal! >D. itl be weird.. me the onli one in DSL costume, singing XDXD.. (i better watch this topic ae..)

EDIT: this is pretty useless to mention but.. i have a kit. but its missing a ride cymbal. and my mom ses no to taking it out to a con : <. shucks K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!] 532605

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 06/05/10, 10:18 am

Can i do the vocals for DSL if we're performing?? just that song?
unless lolixNYAFUUN wants to do it im all good but if she/you dont mind can i????

ill ask my friends later..

OH BTW whos playing wat? i cant play basss @______@ but i can play guitar

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 06/05/10, 10:26 am

You can go sort it out with her. And you're playing guitar, and you have to sort your part out with Nel Teh Duckie.

And what songs do you guys want to play? I can't figure out how to make this thread a poll, but how about everyone lists their top 5 in order?
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 07/05/10, 11:35 am

@shiro. u can if you want (although i lol coz like.. duh im in DSL costume. it seems more right if you sing every song OTHER than DSL haha) but yer.. if you wants : P.

and @squishy uhhhh venue + space + instruments = munnies ? :/. i have no extra money to go towards a price that may or may not amount to the same as that of having a stall at geddon lol

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 07/05/10, 06:17 pm

Uhm, I guess I'll just play all the complicated bits so it's easier for her to sing.
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 08/05/10, 02:43 am

Oh yeah. I was gonna say it could cost us money for power, space, etc. I'm obviously gonna have to ask the armageddon people if they would mind an amateur band like us playing there, where we could set up, plug our stuff in, etc.

Since we're not pros, we might have to prove we can play and give them a recording of 'our' songs.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By ShiroChocoJo. 08/05/10, 01:30 pm

LOL....... but i sound bad in a recording... O______O

oh right. yeah. > >;;
awwwwz i wanted to do DSL...... but i see what you mean. ><

guitar? o________o
i thought we sorted it out in the last post with zage? (LOL i know thats not her name anymore but i cant remember it... too many duckehz!!) i think it was.... yui? the person doing yui was gona play bass and i'd play guitar? sort of like a swap intstrument thing, except stay in the same cosplay.

do we even have the equipment? and also are we ever going to practise?? O_____O
like maybe we should meet up in the holidays or something. cuz i cant make it during the exam week..... (term 2) and stuff. idk, near the end of term 2?

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 09/05/10, 03:11 am

Oh yeah - I was going to post about practice too. I think we should meet up at someone's house a couple of times during the year just to rehearse, etc.
I remember that we would practice together before 'geddon, but I'd rather spend the day shopping and cosplaying with friends - so we should meet up before then.

If we're going to be in synch, then we definately need to practice..
I don't know what's going on with the Mio + Guitar and switch bass thing - but I'll be playing all Yui's guitar parts on guitar. Am I suppose to learn Azu-nyan's too?
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Squishy blob. 09/05/10, 07:13 am


Shiro- Mio- Guitar- the most basic parts in each song, since she could be singing this could mean azusa's parts. I've got a guitar that looks like Mio's bass you could use, so don't worry about it looking weird.
Nel Teh Duckie- Yui- Guitar- Probably the main/lead guitar part of each song?
Me/Squishy Blob- Azusa- Bass guitar. Yes that will look strange...

Since most (all?) of us are in Auckland now, we could probably meet-up for some practice/recording. Term two holidays sounds good but NOW WE NEED TO SORT OUT EQUIPMENT!

I can provide an electric guitar and a mini-amp. I guess I could borrow a bass guitar from someone at school or an old friend.

More info is in the first post now (look at it people!). On another note, does anyone have power tab or guitar pro software?
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: K-ON! Group 2010 [now with photos/videos!]
Post By Nel Teh Duckie xD. 10/05/10, 11:56 am

Ain't got any of that software, sorry..

That's cool - I'll just learn all the main/difficult-ish parts + some of the Azusa bits. I have a Guitar (which is red, so will look munted on Yui, but nvm) + amp, but it's really huge. I might buy a smaller amp with better distortion anyway, so then we have 2 amps.

And I am in Auckland Very Happy
Nel Teh Duckie xD
Nel Teh Duckie xD

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