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Post By HECROLIPON 8. 17/03/10, 09:48 am

Its not really a video game so I guess it goes here. I'm wanting to start playing Chaos Space Marines...well more I'm wanting to collect, paint and modify the models, the actual game is just a cool bonus. I have two questions, 1. Does anyone play? and 2. Does anyone know if I can just take normal Space Marines and greenstuff/crave/melt them into Chaos Space Marines? Its just that my mates have some ones that they don't use and will sell to me cheap.

Number of posts : 385
Age : 31
Location : West Auckland
Transforms into : Lumberjack Prime
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-04-15

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Re: 40k
Post By Kitten Slave. 17/03/10, 11:21 am

Mmm, you would be best off asking at one of the gaming stores (the only one I know of is vagabonds). I dont play, though I think someone one here does, but I doubt they will let you "modify" an existing marine into a chaos marine. Razz
Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
forum prisoner.

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Re: 40k
Post By Cookie Monster. 17/03/10, 11:59 am

Its not really a video game so I guess it goes here. I'm wanting to start playing Chaos Space Marines...well more I'm wanting to collect, paint and modify the models, the actual game is just a cool bonus. I have two questions, 1. Does anyone play? and 2. Does anyone know if I can just take normal Space Marines and greenstuff/crave/melt them into Chaos Space Marines? Its just that my mates have some ones that they don't use and will sell to me cheap.
1. I play.
2. How extenstive is you knowledge? If you know the backgound try this as an idea:
Select a Chaos Legion and paint your Imperial (normal) Space Marines pre-heresy colours (which are the best colours imo). That way if you buy actually Chaos Space Marines later on, you can incorperate them and have an explaination on why you're using Imperial Space Marines, without have to maim, kill and burn them....
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

Number of posts : 254
Age : 43
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Registration date : 2009-04-08

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Re: 40k
Post By Guest. 17/03/10, 01:06 pm

Haha, my Dad plays this 40k 2982

Think you can mix and match things up, that is what he does.. =___>'';


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Re: 40k
Post By Sirius. 25/03/10, 05:52 am

many many people have done all kinds of conversions for 40k and almost every other wargaming system there is. as the one you are thinking about is even accurate to the story of the game.... go for it. at the same time i would suggest looking at the warhammer website for ideas on how to do effective conversions

also look at this auction
400th Member

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Age : 115
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Registration date : 2009-01-27

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Re: 40k
Post By HECROLIPON 8. 25/03/10, 06:56 am

That is an amazing deal. Thanks for the link ^^

Number of posts : 385
Age : 31
Location : West Auckland
Transforms into : Lumberjack Prime
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-04-15

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