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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 01:33 pm


WHY is any char i wanna cosplay TAKEN?! T_T

fine fine... i'll think of someone dat NOBODY will ever cosplay... WAHAHAHAHAH...

hmmm... kenpachi frm bleach? anyone cosplayin him? XD
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 01:37 pm

YEAH. Touya and Yukito is sooooooooo cannon! (but not) XD Aww man why do you get to be Touya?? Yukito's too quiet for me to stay in character TT^TT

I'm 160cm, YAY! I'm ACTUALLY taller than someone! XP

ZOMG! An incestuous pairing would be so funny, Ed and Al is classic though if we did IY then I GET LORD FLUFFY!!!!! All I can think of apart from those yaoi pairings is various KH pairings like AkuRoku or SoraRiku

LOL. Burn T-chan! But that's ok if Lulu's taken we can just ship another pairing XD

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 01:38 pm

Oh and Lavi if you go as Lulu I am SO gonna stalk you and tackle glomp you when you least suspect it *insert Hojo style maniacal fangirl laughter*

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 01:40 pm

yusssssssssss, we'll ship da BEST pairing ever n defeat all of those tall people!!!!


well i'm too loud for yukito too... =____= although i don't mind being him... coz he's funny, XD

so i suppose touyaXyukito is on da top of our list so far?

yea akuXroku is awesome... although i doubt we'd do a good cosplay of it...

to defeat those tall people, we must find chars who suit us... so preferably more asian-lookin chars... as for hair we can find wigs, XD
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Katie. 16/06/08, 01:42 pm

Crossplay, eh?

... Is there ANY situation my Mario costume can't be applied to? cheers

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 01:50 pm

Definitely! GO THE SHORTIES! Oh man this is gonna be so much fun, not only will it be my first crossplay but it'll be THE most kickass thing EVER! X3

Yah TouyaxYukito seems to be at the top of our list. You do have a good point though, hmmmmm characters who suit us. . . .how about Hao and Yoh from Shaman King? (twincest XD)

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 01:55 pm

WAHAHAHAHAH sounds awesome although i dont watch da shaman king... but i can juz google it...

oh i saw some pics... they look AWESOME!

dat's such a wonderful idea! plus they have dark hair... which is great coz i can juz cosplay da long haired one, n u can b da short haired one? XD
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/06/08, 01:57 pm

lol i wanna do yoh as a cosplay... lol his headphones!
Optimus Prime

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lavi_x. 16/06/08, 01:58 pm

I LOVE Yoh ^-^
He reminds me of Neku :3

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/06/08, 01:59 pm

he so does!!!
Optimus Prime

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Guest. 16/06/08, 02:04 pm

So it's more of a pairing cosplay thing now rather than guys dressing up chicks and girls dressing up as animals ??


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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/06/08, 02:04 pm

i have no idea....
Optimus Prime

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 02:06 pm

You haven't seen it? THOU SHALT COME TO MY HOUSE AND WATCH WITH ME!!! Let's have a Shaman King marathon one day!! Hee hee if you cosplay Hao you're gonna have fun because under that cloak. . . DUN DUN DUN he actually runs around shirtless XDDD

Yay for Yoh!! I'd make a killer Yoh because he is the EPITOME of laziness (perfect for me! hahahaha)

Hao is the long haired 1 and Yoh is the short haired 1 (just in case you didn't know which was which lol)

Hey Mandie_Chan we should totally cosplay the YohxAnna pairing 1 day! XD If you wanna be Yoh I can try and pull off Anna (though I think I'd make a terrible blonde lol)

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/06/08, 02:08 pm

lol if you really wanted but im not the best cosplayer >_>"
Optimus Prime

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 02:08 pm

oh okay... so i'm gonna b hao? what's hao like? tell me so i can act more like hao, XD

so it's decided! haoXyoh it is!!! let's make da costume ASAP... we should do it for steph's anime night thing
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Guest. 16/06/08, 02:16 pm

Mandie_Chan wrote:
lol if you really wanted but im not the best cosplayer >_>"

Oh come on Mandie- Chan your Ash from Pokemon costume at Hagley Park was a awesome cosplay !
And isn't it really about having fun with friends rather than just who looks the best ??


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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 02:20 pm

Don't worry! I only just started truly cosplaying this year for Armageddon XD Besides if I make a Yoh outfit already so me and T-chan can cosplay together then you could just borrow mine if you wanted, I don't really need to do much for Anna (just a black skirt and long red scarf pretty much) it's just the blonde hair that'll be a prob since I have black hair >_>

Hao is a Shaman who used to be a good guy but because he was super ultra uber powerful and could read minds everyone was scared of him even though he helped people so because he kept hearing all their negative thoughts it drove him mad and he decided to make a world with only chosen shamans allowed to live in it. Umm he keeps being killed by people but is reborn once every 500 years because he's mastered all 5 elements, he's usually very calm and confident because he knows he's powerful enough to squash everyone else like a bug XD Err he's quite funny and relatively talkative? What do you want to know exactly? XD

I'm not going to the anime night though ^^; I'm only possibly going to stop by for a little while because I live like 5 mins walk down the road from her XD I didn't sign up since I joined the forums after sign up had closed and apart from that I couldn't sleepover anyway since I have work on sat >_> <_<

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 02:25 pm

ah i see...

wow hao sounds so COOL! man i'm startin to luv him already... XD so glad i get to be hao...

okay, so can u send me a pic of his costume n one of ur costume too? so dat i can make one dat matches urs, XD

wahahah cant wait for our awesome cosplay
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 03:05 pm

YES! Hao is LOVE! And that is why you should come and sleepover at my house 1 day so we can have a Shaman King marathon and you can watch Hao in all his epic coolness *pokes you with a sharp pointy stick until you agree* (ok admittedly it may also be an excuse for me to watch the series again hahahaha)

Ok I'll email you some pics of Hao and Yoh, or send it to you on MSN whichever comes first XD By the way is your MSN all fixed now?

Man we're gonna be the most kickass pairing evverrrrr bwahahaha

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 03:52 pm

yup i juz fixed my msn...


n yea i DEFINITELY wanna go to ur place for a marathon... n also steal ur tablet, lol...
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 04:12 pm

WOOTATION! Harmz MSN is fixed!

We're SO gonna have to organise some sort of unofficial event that's not NOT on a sat so I can go and we can do our twin cosplay and be made of EPIC WIN. Kukuku you're gonna have a hard time doing Hao's outfit though, he like wears giant lego blocks as shoes XDD

YAYAYAY!! Come to the dark side (yes my house is now the dark side ohohohoho) I'll feed you junk food and anime lol My tablet is gathering dust since I haven't used it in like forever (well not since I got seriously impatient with that Tsubasa fanart I showed you ^^;; I'm REALLY sick of Sakura's hair after far too many hours on 400% zoom getting to know my friend the size 1 pixel brush >_> )

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/06/08, 04:21 pm

-shudders- plz, not harmz... dat name is juz weird... lol... it's like me callin u... victoria, XD

and yusssssssssssss i wanna meet up some time, too... btw do u like karaoke? random questions.

nehow,lol at da giant lego thing... i'll juz use cardboard...

cant wait to go to ur house one day, kukuku
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 16/06/08, 04:53 pm

HAHAHAHA. Hey you can't call me Victoria!! My name actually isn't short for Victoria, I'm just Vicky XP T-chan it is then XD Oh man I LOVE Kareoke! The last time I went to this Kareoke place with my friends except I knew like none of the songs because they were all chinese so I just listened most of the time XD Kareoke is much much fun though X3

You could always steal a giant piece of Lego off some random kid XDD (jks I'm really not that mean. . .maybe XD)

The only drawback to coming to my house is that I have a younger sibling who talks and talks and doesn't seem to know how to stop, he didn't come with an off button >_> On the upside my mum's cooking is delicious XD

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 17/06/08, 12:44 pm

OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo i'm so in! i love food...

XD i thought u speak chinese? how come u donno da songs? plus they have english songs in karaoke too...

nehow, da lego... mannnnnnnnnnn i'm gonna have trouble makin them, lol.... but i can use cardboard boxes and milk caps... -nods- hopefully da milk caps will be big enough, XD
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: random Crossplay idea...
Post By Pocky. 17/06/08, 12:52 pm

Hahaha my friends all like my mum's cooking probably because she cooks chinese dishes XD

I do speak mandarin but I don't really listen to chinese music (I listen to korean though so I can sing random korean songs >_> <_< ) The Kareoke at Ancestral did have english songs but they didn't have the MV's or anything so it wasn't nearly as much fun singing them XD

Hahahaha you're gonna need a lot of red paint to pull of Hao's lego bits, he has them everywhere X3 Milk caps isn't a bad idea actually but you're gonna have to drink a lot of milk to get enough XDD

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