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Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~

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Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By sakuramiyabi. 09/01/10, 01:36 pm

Aaa~ An anime that came out in the last season called Kimi ni Todoke (I Want to Reach You) is about one of the most adorable simplest lovestory shoujo anime ever.

Everything in it to me is near perfect. The cast, the simplistic animation, the character execution, the light-hearted but full of emotion OP and ED and the simplistic storyline where a boy and girl fall in love.

I just find this kind of story so easy to relate to as well as believe that such a story could happen in high school. Of course this anime isn't for the cynical and the love-story haters. But those who like a light-hearted anime as Kuranuma Sawako tries to become better at interacting with people despite her scary appearance with the help of Kazehaya and the other characters.

I swear this is one of the few anime where every single character is undeniably likeable its insane <3~ The cast is also relatively small so it's easy to remember which character connects to where.

But of course the thing that makes me go MOE~ is Kazehaya's obvious shyness as he tries to hide it ... nothing better than a shy boy who's in love and tries to hide it ... well not better than black glasses character but 8D thats a different matter of MOE <3~

Who else has watched/read it? I can't help but fangirl everytime I watch it~

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Basaka. 09/01/10, 01:41 pm

It's awesome. It's got a really good plot, high production values, a very good, relaxing atmosphere and great acting and interaction. I mean, shoujo usually has cliched plots, but this one sets itself out from the rest.

Ryu is so um... awesome lol.

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Aikome. 11/01/10, 10:31 am

^w^; I haven't watched the anime yet but I had started reading it since it was on the top manga lists.

I like the simplicity of it<3 . . it's real . . nice. Idk, haha.

Kazehaya is incredibly cute in his liking of Sawako. The art is pretty too.

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Squishy blob. 11/01/10, 10:36 am

I started reading that a while ago... it was beautifully refreshing.

I liked how it never seemed like it was trying too hard to cram action in, and just went along at its own pace...

And it had a cast I didn't want to nitpick about.
Squishy blob
Squishy blob

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By sakuramiyabi. 19/01/10, 08:13 am

ikr ;A; //sigh its only a matter of time for this anime to gain a little popularity in NZ ... if ever ;A;

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By _Yuki. 20/01/10, 01:53 am

It's still airing currently, isn't it?
At like, episode 15 or so or something?

I haven't been following it, but I've heard good things about it.

Shoujo is good :3 and moe is also good, in smaller doses.

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Basaka. 20/01/10, 07:57 am

_Yuki wrote:
It's still airing currently, isn't it?
At like, episode 15 or so or something?

I haven't been following it, but I've heard good things about it.

Shoujo is good :3 and moe is also good, in smaller doses.

15 is out today. So yeah~

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By _Yuki. 20/01/10, 08:20 am

I'm downloading the series now,

so I'm going to see for myself what this is about.

Oh, and I do like the look of the cast, though. Since I'm one of the people who thinks of Noto's voice in the cute uncritical way.

Sorry, I just came across the official translation... *points down*
Edit: Viz, you are wrong. It does not translate to 'From Me to You.' At least put in 'reaching you' somewhere in there, 'todoke' is exactly. that. It's a verb in imperative form, there aren't even any verbs in your translated title ;x; . It's all good to have 'Kimi ni Todoke' ir romanji, but whut. Urrrgh, this is like when 'Karin' became 'Chibi Vampire'.

Number of posts : 741
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2009-08-22

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Lavi_x. 23/01/10, 10:47 am

I stayed up till 5am last night after intending to go to bed at 1 >_>
I couldn't stop watching this show until I was caught up Dx

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Basaka. 23/01/10, 11:22 am

_Yuki wrote:
I'm downloading the series now,

so I'm going to see for myself what this is about.

Oh, and I do like the look of the cast, though. Since I'm one of the people who thinks of Noto's voice in the cute uncritical way.

Sorry, I just came across the official translation... *points down*
Edit: Viz, you are wrong. It does not translate to 'From Me to You.' At least put in 'reaching you' somewhere in there, 'todoke' is exactly. that. It's a verb in imperative form, there aren't even any verbs in your translated title ;x; . It's all good to have 'Kimi ni Todoke' ir romanji, but whut. Urrrgh, this is like when 'Karin' became 'Chibi Vampire'.

Lol Viz. We all know only Dark Horse and Del Ray do good stuff anyway. I think there was another one but I cant rem.

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Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~ Vide
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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Lavi_x. 23/01/10, 11:22 am

Heh. Del Rey? Good?
Have you ever read their Tsubasa? 8D?

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By azeria. 23/01/10, 11:37 am


Syaoran xxx Fai!!

....Actually it was the other way 'round but whatever DX
ACB Queen '10

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Re: Kimi ni Todoke-May or may not have spoilers~
Post By Basaka. 23/01/10, 11:40 am

Lavi_x wrote:
Heh. Del Rey? Good?
Have you ever read their Tsubasa? 8D?

Zetsubou sensei man.

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