Hare Hare Yukai or Motteke Sailor Fuku? By xsilent_shadow_kunx. 08/01/10, 04:03 pm |
| Which dance is cooler?!
I Have learnt both of them and yes I am male -___- |
| xsilent_shadow_kunx Soldier A
Number of posts : 8 Age : 31 Transforms into : Your Mummon Gender : Male Registration date : 2010-01-07
Re: Hare Hare Yukai or Motteke Sailor Fuku? By H-idenshi. 08/01/10, 05:19 pm |
| I'd personally say harehare simply for the fact that it was originally generally more complete as a dance and the whole initial haruhi boom had pretty much died down (along with the dance fad) by the time motteke came around (not that that didn't stop people from doing it anyways lol).
Also, luckystars general target audience being ~quite~ different from haruhi (excluding the droves caught up in the whole kyoani-supremecy-doctrine) naturally caused the internet memes etc to head in a fairly different direction (e.g. I remember there were a hell of alot more MADs than dances flowing out of nikoniko end of 2007) |
| H-idenshi Zenbu
Number of posts : 57 Age : 37 Location : in transit Transforms into : memetic DNA Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-11-22
Re: Hare Hare Yukai or Motteke Sailor Fuku? By Basaka. 08/01/10, 10:29 pm |
But well, I like Hare hare better, had better singers. wwwwwwww |
| Basaka lucky*
Number of posts : 1184 Age : 34 Location : By a field and a school. And some houses. Transforms into : Seiyuufag. Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-11-21
Re: Hare Hare Yukai or Motteke Sailor Fuku? By Sponsored content. |
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