The works of Junji Ito By Thornback. 06/01/10, 03:55 am |
| Aka the creator of Uzumaki, Gyo, Voices in the Dark, among others.
Anyone read any of his works? Opinions?
I can never decide how I feel about his work. I enjoy reading it, but later on regret it, simply because it terrifies me, but I persist in reading it, because the art and storylines are so good, and then I can't get to sleep at night...its a bit of a circular argument.
He is a master of Horror, regardless-word to the wise, do not read any of his manga alone, at night, with the lights turned down. |
| Thornback LEVEL UP!
Number of posts : 1317 Age : 33 Location : Noh Whier Transforms into : Sir Robins Minstrels(there was much rejoicing.) Gender : Undisclosed Registration date : 2009-04-06
Re: The works of Junji Ito By Guest. 06/01/10, 04:53 am |
| I made a thread just like this but no one replied
Oh well at least I know someone else who's a fan now!
Yes I've read and love his works, Uzumaki and The Enigma of the Amigara Fault are my two favorite pieces he's done. The Enigma of the Amigara Fault was one of his short stories rather then a series like Tomie or Uzumaki but I think it's one of his most horrifying stories, the story didn't really scare me but the idea of what happens to those people *ugh*. |
| Guest Guest
Re: The works of Junji Ito By Thornback. 06/01/10, 09:20 am |
| Sorry! I didnt check first/facepalm/
I do enjoy his works, but my god, they terrify me most of the time. Secret of the Haunted House in Voices in the Dark had one of the most horrible images I've ever seen near the end-I stupidly read it at night, and couldn't sleep. |
| Thornback LEVEL UP!
Number of posts : 1317 Age : 33 Location : Noh Whier Transforms into : Sir Robins Minstrels(there was much rejoicing.) Gender : Undisclosed Registration date : 2009-04-06
Re: The works of Junji Ito By Guest. 06/01/10, 11:09 am |
| - Thornback wrote:
- Secret of the Haunted House in Voices in the Dark had one of the most horrible images I've ever seen near the end-I stupidly read it at night, and couldn't sleep.
It's the same for The Enigma of the Amigara Fault, the final image in it is just horid I read it during the day and I was still pretty creeped.
I still haven't read too many of his works though, I'd like to but I can't find many of them about. |
| Guest Guest
Re: The works of Junji Ito By Guest. 12/01/10, 12:04 pm |
| Haa, I knew I recognized that name... I'm being encouraged to read Gyo. XD If you want something along the lines of his stuff -judging from what I've seen so far- maybe try Goth by Kenji Oiwa... Quite creepy but not overly so. :3 *retreats into corner of weird manga* |
| Guest Guest
Re: The works of Junji Ito By Pyro. 13/01/10, 01:12 am |
| I read Uzumaki last night. Brilliant manga, and good to waste a few hours on... but dear god now I'm going to be afraid of my thumb-prints!! xD |
| Pyro Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award
Number of posts : 3934 Age : 29 Location : Auckland Transforms into : Tik-Tok Tibenoch Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-12-03
Re: The works of Junji Ito By xx_sora_xx. 23/01/10, 12:12 am |
| I've only read Uzumaki so far, but I've loved that. |
| xx_sora_xx seXAH <3
Number of posts : 85 Age : 35 Location : Waikanae, New Zealand Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-05-19
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