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Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers

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Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By DarkGaia. 30/12/09, 04:57 pm

Okay, this anime started out really good, and I have no reason to complain, but I have just recently finished the first season.... okay... summary is, HE SCREWD UP... BIG TIME

The plot, just took a huge twisted turn, when Lelouches geass activated by itself

know theres a season 2, I havent seen it, but I plan to when my internet gets fast again

but, how did any of you guys whove seen code geass react to this?? Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers 974377

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By TinTango. 30/12/09, 05:12 pm

It activated by itself... so it wasn't completely his fault that things turned out the way they did. Because of that, I actually felt sorry that he had to adapt and was forced into taking the role of the Villain in the story.

Moral: Don't mess with powers beyond your control, no matter how smart you think you are, or how good your motives may be. Same thing happened in Deathnote.

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Lavi_x. 30/12/09, 05:18 pm

Lelouch is just amazing. He could have done it on purpose and I wouldn't care

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Pura. 30/12/09, 05:23 pm

I was like, "OMG. MUST. GET. SEASON. TWO."

And I was at my uncle's house 8D. So I downloaded it. Hurrhurr.

... //needs to re-watch Geass

... //fanspasms with Lavi
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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Lavi_x. 30/12/09, 05:27 pm

Oskar gave me a bluray quality version <3

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By DarkGaia. 30/12/09, 05:54 pm

I still think what happened was uneccesary, I think the animators (Or the manga artist, if theres a manga that came out before it), purposly did that to cotinue the story because they were having so muc fun with the anime.

I am glad ill get to find out mroe beaue of this, but its just so... ironic


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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Lavi_x. 30/12/09, 05:59 pm

The manga isn't really that great, its written by someone else.
The anime came first 8DD

Though, theres a manga prequel to the series being written by the original author at the moment :3

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Basaka. 30/12/09, 10:42 pm

Season 2 is hilarious Trainwreck.

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Zeorymer. 31/12/09, 01:42 am

Sunrise show >__>
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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By PIe. 31/12/09, 01:55 am

I personally was glad they did something so shocking, as much as I liked Euphie, CG is not a show you can watch and predict anything in (well almost anything) and I suspect many fans would have been less happy if Lelouch had joined with Euphie without that fatal mistake (or I would have been anyway)

The 2nd season is amazing as well, you need to watch it even if you have dial up speed atm
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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By azeria. 31/12/09, 02:04 am

Pura wrote:
I was like, "OMG. MUST. GET. SEASON. TWO."

And I was at my uncle's house 8D. So I downloaded it. Hurrhurr.

... //needs to re-watch Geass

... //fanspasms with Lavi

^THIS. Oh man I need to buy R2. It' out now! 8D

Personified Insanity wrote:
I personally was glad they did something so shocking, as much as I liked Euphie, CG is not a show you can watch and predict anything in (well almost anything) and I suspect many fans would have been less happy if Lelouch had joined with Euphie without that fatal mistake (or I would have been anyway)

The 2nd season is amazing as well, you need to watch it even if you have dial up speed atm

& Yes, I actually kind of like second season more than the first >___>
& Geass is the one show I always take uber extra care not to spoil XD
ACB Queen '10

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Cactiberry. 31/12/09, 02:08 am

I liked Euphie the first time I watched it, hated her the second orz. I just found her annoying.
I personally liked the first season better, I'd say why but i'd be spoiling xD
Sushi ;O

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By PIe. 31/12/09, 02:56 am

@azeria: spoiling cg would ruin it for people watching the first time (DarkGaia already quoted Euphie so even if I did reveal something it was already in the thread), I knew some of what happened in the first season as I watched it late which made it slightly less amazing but still "wow this is really amazing"
I really want to be watching it again without seeing it first (3 times re-watched haha), the shockingness and wtf's are something I want again
Sushi ;O

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By azeria. 31/12/09, 03:01 am

I know, I wasn't spoiled for anything in CG and it made it so much more awesome. I have a tendency to go on Wikipedia >___>

Though I did watch the first episode of R2 first since I didn't realise thre was a second season XD But the end of season one was still awesome, because I'd basically forgotten what happened by the time I finished it.
I watched the first season in about three days haha. So awesome.
ACB Queen '10

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By JVCA. 31/12/09, 03:15 am

Guys, please remember to use a spoiler tag when talking about spoilers - indirectly talking about spoilers ("the thing that happened with Euphemia" for example, is fine), but if you're going to specifically say what happened, then it needs to go into a spoiler tag.

For those who don't know how to use a spoiler tag, here is the code:
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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By PIe. 31/12/09, 03:17 am

I wikipedia things too, I know it will spoil them but I never learn (I completely spoiled Death Note by doing this). I have a compulsion to eat pizza why watching s1 but none with r2, it amuses me
Sushi ;O

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By azeria. 31/12/09, 03:20 am

I still haven't finished Death Note and I know exactely what happens XDD

& it saddens me that all the Pizza Hut advertising got cut from the dubbed one T_T
ACB Queen '10

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By DarkGaia. 31/12/09, 04:05 am

Sorry 'w';;

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Re: Code geass,and wtf? -may contain spoilers
Post By Basaka. 31/12/09, 08:55 am

Zeorymer wrote:
Sunrise show >__>

No, sunrise can do good shows.

GORO show. I mean Gun x Sword 17... THAT EPISODE

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