Marluxia's scythe? By Mira. 28/11/09, 06:45 am |
| A friend on Gaia plans on cosplay as Marluxia but doesn't know what to do about the Scythe, I offered to make a thread on here for them as they aren't from New Zealand. So if you have any suggestions of how to make it, what to make it with or if you know of a tutorial or maybe somewhere to buy one that would be great ^^ Thanks in advance and thanks for your time ^^ |
| Mira Banana
Number of posts : 120 Age : 31 Location : Katikati Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-01-24
Re: Marluxia's scythe? By damian. 28/11/09, 08:00 am |
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| damian EPICLY EPIC
Number of posts : 551 Age : 33 Location : brisneyland Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-10-19
Re: Marluxia's scythe? By Mira. 28/11/09, 10:07 am |
| Awesome ^^ thanks, I sent them the info, not sure when they will be able to reply though >.< |
| Mira Banana
Number of posts : 120 Age : 31 Location : Katikati Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-01-24
Re: Marluxia's scythe? By Sponsored content. |
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