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Any anime ideas? :3

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Any anime ideas? :3
Post By DarkGaia. 20/11/09, 01:21 pm

Im bored, so I thought itd be fun to post something like this~

Have any of you ever created or thought of you own alternate anime?, or maybe thought of some sort of manga or novel thing but cant be stuffed to draw/write it?

Its simple~

Just put the name of your anime, What its about, blah blah, or you can just put the name by itself, and keep us guessing - - (*cough* dry *cough*)

Ill start~

Name: 7A

Its about4 worlds seperated apart from eachother, but working together as one big colony, theres Earth, its alternate world Nymphoria, The highwinds (heaven sort of), and the underworld, but the thing is, for decades after a destructive war between Earth and Nymphoria, the underworld became completely cut off from the comunity, scientists and gouvernments have been endlessly trying to make contact with them, and once they do, they are over joied, but its never released into the public, because of some disturbing content in it, a dark voice tells them that in 7 grueling months, the worlds will perish, each month represents a different disaster, and the 7th will encave the worlds in fire, and destroy them fully, the military gave this 2 minute message a name, and filed it away, its name was 7A, = 7 armegeddon, 7 stages to the end of time--

GAH, its so long, I couldve gone on forever about it, (Characters, back stories, blah), just goes to show you have of a life I dont have.... -cough-

Well, I hope you can post your ideas xD

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By H-idenshi. 24/11/09, 04:03 am

Not an anime because I would require 1st person perspective but what the heck.

A VNG where the protagonist (world viewed 1st person from this character) is what you may consider your general RPG cookie cut character you may find in an MMORPG. At first you may be fooled to think this to be your generic adventure story. However, there is a twist... The protagonist is actually an NPC.

Of course it would require much care be taken initially as to not hint off the reader too early and thus to bit by bit create a discrepant malaise which would build up within the protagonist and ultimately the reader (due to the somewhat elusive nature in their interaction with human player characters).

By the time the protagonist/reader has caught on, the scenario shows its true colours. An epic tale of identity, where the boundaries of ego are challenged, and the factors that we assume are definitive to life are turned upside down. Psychological and philosophical literature that connects to the reader on all levels of rhetoric (ethos, logos and pathos) presented in the interactive medium so very suitable for fostering character-attachment... The Game.

And of course, it has to be a tragedy.

(Though, I'd want to be the player and not the creator for strongest impression and emotional movement. So I only hope that someone, perhaps Maeda Jun, picks this theme up one day... yeah right ≧∇≦)

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By DarkGaia. 24/11/09, 04:10 am

@ H-idenshi

Wow, that sounds really awesome, thanks for replying xD

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By PIe. 24/11/09, 04:13 am

I did have an idea for a manga/anime called giANTS, which was about earth being invaded by giant alien ants and a small resistance force based in a small school in Japan were the only people with the power to save the planet from the ants who were trying to take over the world (with a leader who wore a top hat). This came from a firend thinking Gantz was about ants and then me taking that misunderstanding and drafting madness.
I could continue about the characters and story but I wont
Sushi ;O

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By moonlight293. 24/11/09, 04:44 am

Ah, I have one in my head for a looooong time! xD It still needs heaps of developement, but I can try haha.
Currently doesn't have a name - I'm thinking of Moonlight's Dilemma, but it doesn't really sound catchy.

-Here is where I attempt to explain the idea lol-

Basically, in this world that it is set in, music is the main life source. If someone does not create music or sound, they are known as a 'Silent' and is practically dead and are shunned from society.
Everyone's music is different - and people have been known to channel this energy into certain specialist areas, such as singing or playing an instrument. Is someone is exceptionally talented, they can specialise in more than one area. These people can also channel their music energy into fighting, which involves mental and physical battling (it's quite hard to explain lol)

I hope that made sense... >_>

So the main character, Moonlight (name will probably be changed lol), is one of those rare people who is extremely talented in many areas. She is one of two of these rare people in the currently age and time. The other being a man called Brian. They have been employed into the top military and are exceptionally powerful. (there are other characters too, but I'll just stick with these two)
At the start they are lovers, as they do heaps of missions together and such. The government is afraid of their power though, and search to find a way to suppress or control them. One such scientist creates a chip implant which he claims would control them. Moonlight and Brian discover what they are up to and destroy the laboratory before Brian is caught by the security (Moonlight escapes). The scientist decides to use his last (malfunctioning) chip to hopefully control Brian - but when he implants the chip, the fault makes Brian insane - and he kills everyone and escapes.

From there, it is essentially a hunt for Moonlight - while Brian is insane, he is still exceptionally smart (being a top military soldier) and manipulates the force to try to capture Moonlight. His previous love for her is now replaced with madness and desire to kill her at any cost.

The details from there are fuzzy, since I just skip to the final battle haha :3 It comes down to Moonlight having to kill her previous love, or at least try to save him from his insanity.

I'm sure I'll think of some deep meaning behind it soon! xD
Le grande

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By DarkGaia. 24/11/09, 09:11 am

@ moonlight293 : Wow!, That sounds soo awesome!, I cant wait till you finish it xDD

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By moonlight293. 24/11/09, 09:58 am

Thanks! xD I pretty much have all the main characters down - I just need to work on the plot really, and the fighting system. :3

And work out how to explain it better! xD
Le grande

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By Basaka. 24/11/09, 10:44 am

moonlight293 wrote:
Ah, I have one in my head for a looooong time! xD It still needs heaps of developement, but I can try haha.
Currently doesn't have a name - I'm thinking of Moonlight's Dilemma, but it doesn't really sound catchy.

-Here is where I attempt to explain the idea lol-

Basically, in this world that it is set in, music is the main life source. If someone does not create music or sound, they are known as a 'Silent' and is practically dead and are shunned from society.
Everyone's music is different - and people have been known to channel this energy into certain specialist areas, such as singing or playing an instrument. Is someone is exceptionally talented, they can specialise in more than one area. These people can also channel their music energy into fighting, which involves mental and physical battling (it's quite hard to explain lol)

I hope that made sense... >_>

So the main character, Moonlight (name will probably be changed lol), is one of those rare people who is extremely talented in many areas. She is one of two of these rare people in the currently age and time. The other being a man called Brian. They have been employed into the top military and are exceptionally powerful. (there are other characters too, but I'll just stick with these two)
At the start they are lovers, as they do heaps of missions together and such. The government is afraid of their power though, and search to find a way to suppress or control them. One such scientist creates a chip implant which he claims would control them. Moonlight and Brian discover what they are up to and destroy the laboratory before Brian is caught by the security (Moonlight escapes). The scientist decides to use his last (malfunctioning) chip to hopefully control Brian - but when he implants the chip, the fault makes Brian insane - and he kills everyone and escapes.

From there, it is essentially a hunt for Moonlight - while Brian is insane, he is still exceptionally smart (being a top military soldier) and manipulates the force to try to capture Moonlight. His previous love for her is now replaced with madness and desire to kill her at any cost.

The details from there are fuzzy, since I just skip to the final battle haha :3 It comes down to Moonlight having to kill her previous love, or at least try to save him from his insanity.

I'm sure I'll think of some deep meaning behind it soon! xD

OMFG end it with like, the main character singing and everyone joins in as a great big chorus and have the antagonists go "I understand your song now" happy end.

Sorry, been watching too much Macross 7... orz
I suggest you watch that for your story. The guy beats bad guys with his singing. Yarrrr.
In one of the OVAs he sings to the WHITE SPACE WHALE ahahahaha

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By moonlight293. 24/11/09, 10:52 am

Haha, it's not gonna be a happy ending unfortunately D:

Hmm, I might have to lol - just to make sure the music fighting is different! Sounds interesting though - White space whale? xD
Le grande

Number of posts : 192
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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By Basaka. 24/11/09, 12:49 pm

Yeah... You know, that novel... cept with singing and a happier end. XD

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By moonlight293. 24/11/09, 05:34 pm

Haha, really? Oh dear! xD I shall look into it! :3
Le grande

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By H-idenshi. 25/11/09, 10:31 am

Quote :
In one of the OVAs he sings to the WHITE SPACE WHALE ahahahaha
To be perfectly honest, I never want to hear the word 'dynamite' come out of that guys (Kanna Nobutoshi) mouth again. (- - ;)

I would however, be much delighted were they to replace that word with 'muscle' if you get what I mean (`ー゜)

--back on topic--
Always have ideas, just never the skills or pro activeness to actually materialise them... *sigh*

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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By Guest. 25/11/09, 10:33 am

Hehe I have to get around to drawing my manga


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Re: Any anime ideas? :3
Post By Basaka. 25/11/09, 11:08 am

H-idenshi wrote:
Quote :
In one of the OVAs he sings to the WHITE SPACE WHALE ahahahaha
To be perfectly honest, I never want to hear the word 'dynamite' come out of that guys (Kanna Nobutoshi) mouth again. (- - ;)

I would however, be much delighted were they to replace that word with 'muscle' if you get what I mean (`ー゜)

--back on topic--
Always have ideas, just never the skills or pro activeness to actually materialise them... *sigh*

So do I, actually. Too lazy orz

Also, I won't mind hearing DYNAMITE ONCE AGAIN live, providing it's Fukuyama's concert. (That and MAKKA NA CHIKAI + KING GAINER OVER).

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