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An Outing Idea

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An Outing Idea
Post By Pyro. 25/05/08, 03:55 pm

A'ight CHCH cosplayers...
I have a cosplay outing idea which I've been wanting to put into action for a VERY VERY VERY long time.

Y'all know how the release of FFVII: Crisis Core's PAL version descends upon us very soon?

I was wondering if you'd all like to cosplay Square Enix characters (or, if you don't have a Squeenix costume, something random, or find a black suit and be a Turk.), particularly FFVII ones, and go to EB games in town on it's release date, and, since I'd assume one of us would probably be thinking of purchasing it, walk in there calmly, in cosplay...

And cause a fanboy riot when they notice that the store is swarming with the characters on the box of the game.

And then have one of us walk up to the counter and buy the game and see what reaction we get from the staff when they're scanning the price tag... And like, Cloud or someone is right in front of them.


The reason why I'm not posting this in the main cosplay thread is because, as we should all know, releases usually aren't on a weekend, so this'd just probably have to be a seperate thing rather than a really official outing.
Also, the release date hasn't been set yet (to my knowledge...) so you'd probably have to be a wee bit flexible.

Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Suixelo. 25/05/08, 04:04 pm

I had no idea it wasn't even out here, yet. And I totally can't afford $100 for it. Oh man, NZ, you fail.
I'd come but I'm not in Chch D=

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Riven_. 26/05/08, 02:36 am


I want to join in with this, but I don't know if I'll be here or not!!!!
If I am - I"M SO IN! (as long as I don't have to be the one who buys the game. I haves no moneys....)
Advice Guru

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Pyro. 26/05/08, 09:59 am

I said above, it doesn't have an official release date yet, but to my knowledge, it's next month sometime.

Hell, it'd be cool even IF no-one buys the game. I just wanna freak out FFVII nerds, personally! xD
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Auroa. 27/05/08, 03:08 am

lmao, oh of course.

This sounds epic ^^
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Riven_. 27/05/08, 05:55 am


next month sometime.... *cries*
Advice Guru

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Ze Pervy Kappa. 28/05/08, 09:22 am

That would be alot of fun!
Ze Pervy Kappa
Ze Pervy Kappa
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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Guest. 29/05/08, 02:13 pm

That would be awesome to have Crisis Core. Whoever buys it can we share it among the group ? Madhatter is also looking forward towards trying this amazing Final Fantasy Sequal and surley many others...

Uhh yeah maybe would try and dress up as Aerith or something...


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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By LintuwolfWiing. 30/05/08, 03:01 pm

I would love to do that!
But not buy the game. xD

paoupu fruit

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Madam Madhatter. 31/05/08, 04:48 am

Sounds super fun!!!

I could come as Reno since my Genisis Outfit hasn't even been started

Depends on dates though.
Madam Madhatter
Madam Madhatter

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By viking_queen. 31/05/08, 02:35 pm

Pyro wrote:
A'ight CHCH cosplayers...
Y'all know how the release of FFVII: Crisis Core's PAL version descends upon us very soon?
Umm what is PAL short for?
it sounds like aewsome fun though
Le grande

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Guest. 01/06/08, 08:18 am

viking_queen wrote:
Pyro wrote:
A'ight CHCH cosplayers...
Y'all know how the release of FFVII: Crisis Core's PAL version descends upon us very soon?
Umm what is PAL short for?
it sounds like aewsome fun though

PAL is European Format for games isn't it ? While Americans get something else ??

Think It's so you can't play American games on a European Playstation or PSP...

But not really sure


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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Lavi_x. 01/06/08, 08:41 am

America gets NTSC

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Pyro. 04/06/08, 02:54 pm

Deidara-Senpai wrote:
viking_queen wrote:
Pyro wrote:
A'ight CHCH cosplayers...
Y'all know how the release of FFVII: Crisis Core's PAL version descends upon us very soon?
Umm what is PAL short for?
it sounds like aewsome fun though

PAL is European Format for games isn't it ? While Americans get something else ??

Think It's so you can't play American games on a European Playstation or PSP...

But not really sure

You can play games from anywhere in the world on a PSP, but yes, the Playstation 1 and 2 are restricted to their specific regions, be they PAL or NTSC.
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Registration date : 2007-12-03

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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Lavi_x. 04/06/08, 03:10 pm

The joy of handheld systems being region free

Number of posts : 1992
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Re: An Outing Idea
Post By Guest. 07/06/08, 09:27 am

Crisis Core is due to come out on the 20th June 2008

Meaning there is only 2 weeks to go...


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