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All-purpose Bioware thread!

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 29/06/10, 02:02 pm

I FINALLY bought Awakening and have got to say I'm a incy wee bit disappointed. I had read it in most of the reviews so I wasn't that surprised when I realized that I don't feel as invested with the new characters as I was with the Origins characters.

I want Sten and my Sir Barkens (Mabari War Hound) back!
Le grande

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 29/06/10, 02:04 pm

Sir Barkens? One of my brothers dogs name is Barkspawn.. oh how I love the dog. My dogs name is Shigure.... I was on a high at the time.... lol XD

and I haven't had time to play Awakening... I wonder how it is..
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 29/06/10, 02:17 pm

Close contenders were Barkasauraus and Bark Obama.

Awakening is good if you've just finished Origins and want to continue playing your main character.

Mage Elf FTW!
Le grande

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 29/06/10, 02:20 pm

I'm a human character will be a elf rouge maybe... I don't know if I can handle the whole Mages origin quest in the beginning... but seeing Cullen again may be worth it
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 29/06/10, 02:27 pm

Yeah, I found the Mage Origin quest to be pretty tedious. I've also played a rogue dwarf and found that to be pretty fun.

To change things up I might just go straight and play human warrior, which is something I never do in most RPG games if I have a choice.
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 29/06/10, 02:29 pm

I've seen the human noble origin quest been played through, it's pretty awesome

you get your dog in the beginning cuz you live with your family and stuff and you have to save it from the cooks wrath
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 29/06/10, 02:36 pm

Hmmm, human noble could be interesting. I do tend to always go for the common/underdog classes as well. Saying that though, Dalish/City Elf would be pretty sweet to do as well.

Goddamn I love this game All-purpose Bioware thread! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 29/06/10, 02:38 pm

i think City Elf would be pretty awesome actually...

and yes... this came is amazing! too bad my bro tends to hog the computer, thus leading to me not being able to play it much.. I shall bother him tomorrow
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Plazcheetah. 29/06/10, 02:43 pm

Started to play human Noble this morning, then it glitched up and i didn't notice. Spent 30 mins walking around trying to figure out what's going on by the time i do figure it out i had to go to school sigh

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 29/06/10, 02:46 pm

I think I like the idea of the Dalish elves than I actually like them. I've always sided with the Werewolves when doing the Dalish quest.

I've just read that a new DLC is coming out next month which is a prequel to Leilana's story. I would rather they release more stuff like Awakening that adds on to the main story in the future, but hey, more DA is more DA!
Le grande

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 29/06/10, 02:52 pm

I heard about the Leliana thing, it should be fun to play as her.. like her being the main character, I like her bunches... not sure if she's my fave female.. but I do like her

@Plazcheetah: lolz thats why i never play video games in the morning
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Le_Saboteur. 01/07/10, 07:16 am

I actually liked Awakenings more than I liked the original campaign. Something about DA:O didn't sit well with me, I'm not sure what. The main thing that disappointed me with Awakenings was the crappy epilogue! You finish off the main battle (way too easy, by the way- playing on normal that is) and BAM. TEXT.

Actually, okay, I know why I didn't like DA:O so much. DAMN YOU ALISTAIR, NOT ACCEPTING MY DALISH ROGUE LADY. FIE ON YOU.

The Dalish origin is probably the least intensive of them all, it felt kinda tacked on.

So Leliana's Song is a prologue, ehhh? Cool, I'll definitely play it. I liked Wynne the best Very Happy

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 01/07/10, 08:49 am

I haven't finished it yet and have just gotten the Legion dwarf chick. I'm maining Oghren and Howe, I'm petty and like to be the only mage in the party so I don't use Anders.

AHHHHHHH. I can't stand Alistair to the point where I very well welcomed the worse option for him at the end. Stuck up nonce that he is. Sten, now there's a real man/Quinari.

And like I said, I'm petty and don't like other mages in my party. And if I'm not a mage it's Morrigan all the way.

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Le grande

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 01/07/10, 09:23 am

I feel like an outsider cuz I like Alistair... but I doubt I'll be with him since I'm a mage and he like.. can't marry a mage right? Well whatever... I may go with Zevran... though he is quite short.. hmm >_>

anyways! Leliana's song sounds super cool, I really wanna play it
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Le_Saboteur. 02/07/10, 03:44 am

SailorDemyx49 wrote:
I feel like an outsider cuz I like Alistair... but I doubt I'll be with him since I'm a mage and he like.. can't marry a mage right? Well whatever... I may go with Zevran... though he is quite short.. hmm >_>

I don't mind Alistair. I 'don't mind' any of the characters... I just don't love any of them- bar Oghren, of course. Oh god, the mage (Anders) from Awakenings is just as annoying. Oh, and you CAN marry him if you can persuade him into it, or if you're human, I think.

I thought the female characters in DA:O were some of the weakest I can think of in a recent Bioware game. SO DISAPPOINTED. Actually, most of the characters were pretty weak.

In Awakenings my rogue/ranger went with Oghren, Velana and Anders. So I could just summon a bear and have an extra melee character :3

At least in Mass Effect/2 I actually liked more than one character. Oh well, I'll still play Origins again eventually. It's a good game, just not as AMAZINGGG as I was expecting.

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 02/07/10, 05:10 am

I would say that my "most loved" character would have to be either Zevran (cuz of his accent) or Cullen.... cuz he was awesome.. too bad he like, goes insane

and I think you cna only marry him if your a human noble, which I am not.. sad panda

I found that most characters got better was they progressed in the story, expcially Alistair and Morrigon (Morrigon helpls bunches if you get cone of cold... i <3 that spell, Wynne is helpful 2 i guess)

and I liked the story line in DA:O a bit more than ME/2... but there are more ... likable? characters in ME/2

I guess it depends on if your more into fantasy or sci-fi
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Le_Saboteur. 02/07/10, 07:17 am

I like the story more in DA:O, too! It's just... the characters, gahh. I thought Loghain was the strongest! He's the bad guy! You get so much dialogue and so many scenes with Alistair and Morrigan; and neither really feel like full characters to me Neutral

In DA:O I often used both Morrigan and Wynne; one attacker and one buffer/healer. It makes the game a lot easier. Sneaky blizzard! Sneaky fireball! Oh yeah Very Happy

I actually prefer fantasy to sci fi (just), but... yeah. I don't know. I'm probably just cranky because Alistair totally blew my character off. I'm totally not used to that in games! Heh.

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 02/07/10, 09:28 am

If you get him to like you enough I heard u can be his.. mistress of sorts? idk but I'm sad that I can't be with him as a mage... I wonder if Zevran will take me... >_>

anyways! since I'm a mage.. I find taking Morrigon along kidna pointless.. but I do take Wynne since I can't heal for sh** All-purpose Bioware thread! - Page 3 37781
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By CamusCanDo. 02/07/10, 04:10 pm

Man, Loghain was a diiiiiiick. But not so much that I picked him over Alistair.

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I was rather let down with the story behind DA:O. Now don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the depth Bioware put into the cultures and back stories behind the characters, this is actually kinda nitpickish. A few months before its release some Bioware employee or someone from marketing said that the story was heavily influenced by George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. So I was obviously (well probably not obviously unless you're Saboteur/have read the books) ready for political strife, bastard characters and a whole lot of mature realistic themes.

Instead it's less Martin and more Tolkien. Well, actually it's more Tolkien with Martin shadings, but still!

Anyway! I enjoy both ME/2 and DA:O for both respectively capturing scifi and fantasy. Also cudos to them for creating compelling combat sytems for each game that fits both perfectly.
Le grande

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By SailorDemyx49. 03/07/10, 09:29 am

CamusCanDo wrote:
Man, Loghain was a diiiiiiick. But not so much that I picked him over Alistair

Logain looks like he hasn't washed his hair in three weeks.. at least Alistair takes care of his hair... >_>
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Riven_. 03/07/10, 11:49 am

I've just bought KOTOR off steam. (yes I'm slow at buying games. deal. Razz)

I love the soundtrack so muuuuuch. Star Wars themes as I blast stuff? Ohhhhh yeah.
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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Le_Saboteur. 03/07/10, 02:45 pm

Riven_ wrote:
I've just bought KOTOR off steam. (yes I'm slow at buying games. deal. Razz)



On the Loghain not washing his hair; he's a bad guy! He doesn't need to wash his hair!

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By TinTango. 03/07/10, 03:50 pm

Agree... KOTOR rules! Admittedly I never went to the Darkside with that one,
but seriously, for a Jedi, I'm sure I killed like, everything.
It was great getting the whole backstories to the dark and light sides.

Hope TOR when it comes out, is just as good if not betterer.

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By Le_Saboteur. 03/07/10, 04:02 pm

TinTango wrote:
Hope TOR when it comes out, is just as good if not betterer.

Oh man, I really don't know what to think about The Old Republic. I'm looking forward to it SO MUCH. But I really dislike MMO's on principle sad DO NOT KNOW IF WANT.

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Re: All-purpose Bioware thread!
Post By TinTango. 03/07/10, 04:13 pm

I agree with you on that. RPG's are better. It's like having a good book, where you are the main character and can choose your own adventure. Sure, the book is finite, but you can re-read it, take a different path and get a different ending.
The ending being the reward for your efforts.

MMOs are like a never-ending story, except, you're not sebastian or atreyu, but random quester number 73. And I've never really got what the reward was.

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