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Mah Manga Ideas

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Mah Manga Ideas
Post By Admin. 05/12/07, 12:18 pm

So yeah - I'm thinking of submitting my two ideas to Tokyopop and I want some feedback.

Here are the links:

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Re: Mah Manga Ideas
Post By Duckeh. 05/12/07, 05:58 pm

They're pretty good :3
Butbut- Characters?
You don't really explain thee characters ;-;

Errrrm- Not sure if you need to though?
I dunno
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Re: Mah Manga Ideas
Post By Admin. 05/12/07, 11:56 pm

Duckeh wrote:
They're pretty good :3
Butbut- Characters?
You don't really explain thee characters ;-;

Errrrm- Not sure if you need to though?
I dunno

Oh, yeah I have all the characters planned. I just didn't include them in the synopsis.
Winner of the Golden Gun Award

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Re: Mah Manga Ideas
Post By Auroa. 06/12/07, 03:16 am

Oh great this is one of those things I know what I mean in my head but to write it... is tricky.
The general idea - demon journey & teen romance thing is always out there and alwasy will be. You just need to go about it differently, but already I think you're storyline for both are rather original and fresh - I like them.

How are you planning them? Are you planning them right through to the end now, or just gonna write it as ideas come ^^

Oh, and are you gonna say more about the characters? hehehe XD
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: Mah Manga Ideas
Post By Guest. 27/06/08, 05:16 pm

Heaps of great Manga artists had many great manga ideas- about your/ our age- maybe even younger ( Uni- Intermedite stage ) and going to advice to you go for it ! Try not to dream too big, dream real though xd

Though the main advice is, keep on trying- If Tokyopop doesn't like your 1st idea, then try again- and again and again-and untill you decide that Manga drawing/ creating isn't your destiny, or untill you get through xd

Wish you luck for the future ;)

But main suggestions

- Try something new and unique that hasn't been done before ( Hard )
-Bright and colourful characters that people can relate to
- Old thing, re-styled or re-newed- Naruto- Ninja wearing a ORANGE JUMPSUIT
- Unpreditatable- If most people can predict what's going to happen in the story , or it's the same-old-same old people may drop the manga.
-Twist Stereotypes to make the fanbase surpised- Ie- weak nimbly chibi looking girl= strong as hell/ carries HUGE Weapon...


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