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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 16/10/09, 01:30 am
Wow, that was pretty cool, Fleyer! I can see how you had to use a bunch of layers >.< That must have freaking sucked when you had the Vegas problems... I actually didn't notice the skipping, thought the ending was cool as. I lol'ed at 'roll with him'
Are you by any chance the person that did the Avatar vid for Chch/WellyGeddon this year to a Linkin Park song? You're the only kiwi I've seen (so far) that uses so many masks and such. If that was you, that was a sweet vid, too! I loved it. Every one clapped at the end in Chch
Pyro, I do like a bit of mind effery, actually! Grew up on Evangelion, so, heheh. I'll check it out, thanks :]
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By JVCA. 16/10/09, 02:01 am
Le Saboteur, I think that Avatar AMV might have been Meghan's one - BlossomInBlazingWinds. Or at least, I know she won the AMV contest with her avatar one, but I can't remember what song she did...
JVCA Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"
Number of posts : 7122 Age : 33 Location : Howick, Auckland Transforms into : a crotchety old woman Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-11-25
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 16/10/09, 02:21 am
^ Who ever's it was, it was awesome. I just thought the masky-ness was similar
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By fleyer. 16/10/09, 02:24 am
Nope wasn't me, this is only my second year entering and my first year ones sucked =D Have to say this will be my last year entering too =P
fleyer Sushi ;O
Number of posts : 2354 Age : 30 Location : Chch Transforms into : Supernanny... Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-03-31
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Paul. 16/10/09, 05:00 am
Le_Saboteur wrote:
Are you by any chance the person that did the Avatar vid for Chch/WellyGeddon this year to a Linkin Park song?
I think this is the video your are talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyOoQsyfrE - Not mine.
@fleyer, great work. It's not my favourite song but I like the animation you have done, especially with the cards. Its really effective and cleanly implemented.
I normally don't make my AMV public until after the competition but since every one is excitied and posting, here it is:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_yc3SqqzFE On my site for full quality download: http://www.oldvcr.tv/amv/index.html?v=2009-2
And if you like you can see my previous 2 Wellington Entrys: Wellinton 2009 No placing Wellington 2008 1st Place ***Edit. I had these videos in spoiler tags but then you can't click to play them...
Last edited by Roy Mustang on 16/10/09, 08:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Paul Almighty
Number of posts : 395 Age : 39 Transforms into : Pokemon Trainer Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-09-07
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 16/10/09, 06:29 am
^ OH, that was the one! I got confused with the Chobit1 and PokerChii thing too (I found it after 'Geddon and was like awesome, only to see audio disabled, sucks).
Fleyer, don't let one experience make you give up. As long as you're making AMVs, may as well enter them, eh? Never know, might win a prize
I really want to watch Roy's videos now but this damn comp has no sound... I'll watch tomorrow at work.
/does not abuse work broadband
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By fleyer. 16/10/09, 07:43 am
Nah I coud have spent nine months doing something else I would rather, and about half a month more doing something I love way way more. I'll just make em for fun and not enter them =P
fleyer Sushi ;O
Number of posts : 2354 Age : 30 Location : Chch Transforms into : Supernanny... Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-03-31
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 16/10/09, 08:33 am
Hah, fair enough. When I think of how many hours this stuff sucks up ^^'
I snagged some one elses comp and got to see your vids Roy, I really liked your FMA one and the Naruto entry that got you first place last year! I... really want to watch FMA now (yet another series I have yet to see). Good story on the new one
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By _BlazingBlossom_. 16/10/09, 09:27 am
@Le_Saboteur: Yes, the Avatar video was mine. The audio disabled thing is fixed now. Silly youtube ><
_BlazingBlossom_ Almighty
Number of posts : 389 Age : 31 Location : Hunterville Transforms into : Being unpredictable~ Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-01-03
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 17/10/09, 06:11 am
Any one else got their tickets? I'm sure it said that if you got in the top 10 it was ONE 3-day entry. What I got was one Admit Two for one day pass. It says that on the website now too.
Am I imagining things, or does any one else remember that? Am I making it up?
AGH, we budgeted for only having to buy one three day pass... This means an extra $30. Good thing we haven't bought our tickets already.
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Paul. 17/10/09, 06:19 am
@Le_Saboteur, I questioned that same thing with Zeb and she said: just had a look at the passes and am pretty damn dissapointed at Bill right now. He should have given me 3 day passes but he's just given me a one day pass, to admit 2 on any of the three days.
So that how it is. I have not received mine yet. I just went and brought tickets for Saturday and Sunday.
Paul Almighty
Number of posts : 395 Age : 39 Transforms into : Pokemon Trainer Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-09-07
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 17/10/09, 08:54 am
Gah >=[ Not happy.
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
wow that sucks......Poor Zeb, I hope no one gets annoyed at her cos that would just not be fair.
Alas I shall have to buy tickets for the other days *sigh* there goes more moolas.
iwuvanime paoupu fruit
Number of posts : 448 Age : 37 Location : Wellington Transforms into : Lady Fluffalups, Super Villaness Extraordinaire Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-12-16
I so need to make an amv for next year - even if i'll probably not make it to CHCH or welly, but only Dunedin next year lol
Guest Guest
Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~! By Le_Saboteur. 18/10/09, 01:56 am
I don't think any one's angry (or will get angry) at her, it ain't her fault Bill didn't give her the tickets that were originally meant to be awarded.
It's just a sucky situation. >.<
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Is it still possible for me to get feedback on mine I'd really like to know why I didn't get top ten or why mine didn't get shown at all, I mean I sound real bitchy here but I'm just bummed that I spent nine months on something that wasn't even shown.
fleyer Sushi ;O
Number of posts : 2354 Age : 30 Location : Chch Transforms into : Supernanny... Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-03-31
Email Zeb and ask, but I think she mighhhhhht be having a crap time of it at the moment, so she may not answer. It seems bizarre that it didn't get shown at all though - are you sure that it arrived before the deadline?
JVCA Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"
Number of posts : 7122 Age : 33 Location : Howick, Auckland Transforms into : a crotchety old woman Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-11-25
I sent it like a week and a half early, my track and trace said it did arrive. I'll be so friken pissed at NZ post if I paid like $7 to have it not arrive >=[ I dunno I just feel really bummed that I spent a lot of time that I could have been doing other things in.
fleyer Sushi ;O
Number of posts : 2354 Age : 30 Location : Chch Transforms into : Supernanny... Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-03-31
A week and a half says it should have. :S I can understand why you'd be bummed out though - obviously I'm not the judge or anything, and I haven't entered the AMV contest or made one of my own, but I have watched a heck of a lot of amvs, and seen what Jen goes through to make hers, so if Zeb is unavailable to comment, I'm more than happy to give you my con-crit if you would like. (probably after I've handed my assignments in though)
JVCA Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"
Number of posts : 7122 Age : 33 Location : Howick, Auckland Transforms into : a crotchety old woman Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-11-25
Lol I'll be happy to get it anyway ^^ I'm pretty proud of it, the cards were a completely original idea (I still don't think anyone has used that idea =D) I unno to this day I kinda wish I'd taken up on some of the other things I could have been doing, it's something I regret so much.
fleyer Sushi ;O
Number of posts : 2354 Age : 30 Location : Chch Transforms into : Supernanny... Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-03-31
My personal philosophy is that you should never regret anything - everything is a learning curve that will help us in some way or the other, even if it takes us a couple of years to realise it. But uh, then again, that's getting a bit deep for AMVs, lol. I'll get in touch again once my assignments are done then - and I warn you in advance, it will likely be a text wall. >.<
JVCA Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"
Number of posts : 7122 Age : 33 Location : Howick, Auckland Transforms into : a crotchety old woman Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-11-25