FFXIII vid plus Release date. By Rikashiku. 17/03/09, 01:03 pm |
| Unsure if its US or Euro but its something :) Ahh holy crap this is old 0_0 M/D/Y 12/15/2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiZCcEXxMK8 |
| Rikashiku EPICLY EPIC
Number of posts : 601 Age : 34 Location : Oceana (Northland) Transforms into : being sexy D:. Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-11-25
Re: FFXIII vid plus Release date. By Lavi_x. 16/04/09, 09:16 am |
| Theres actually no set release date as of now. Its supposedly going to be 2010 for the states. But yeah. Have you seen this vid? 25 minutes of AMAZING http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/314383.html?playlist=featured
EDIT: The video says winter 09. But thats for Japan
| Lavi_x noodletastic
Number of posts : 1992 Age : 32 Location : Christchurch Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-04-28