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Heya! ^^

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 07/03/09, 01:13 pm

Dude just wouldn't die xD
Lulz @ L running <3
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 07/03/09, 01:19 pm

@Ginger Ninja
Thank you! Very Happy.

Oh cool cool. I'm still so sososoososo glad that I ended up staying for it!

I did watch the skits but I can't recall the first group sorry =(.

The pink crepe truck!!! And when Ls seat slides up to the passenger seat, I love it!
Riding the bike over the hill with Near in the front ahhh!! *girly squeal*


Favourite form of martial arts? L! cheers

He so would ^^. It would be amazing.

I'll bring a spare! ;D

No no no you can slap the me at your place of dance! And I'll trade my mask for Hinata! =P

No problemos, good luck!
Yay, L flavoured too! =D

cause I'm slow..
Yes LOL at the guy who wouldn't die xD. I crack up at that every time I watch it haha.
L running is inspiring!! xD

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 07/03/09, 01:25 pm

Favourite pokemon? L!

Lets make Obama be L. Blackmail or threats?

Many spares- then you could hand them out and make an L army >=D

Awhr D: But I want to slap you at armageddon ^^
*Knows nothing of Hinata, FAIL.* Educate me?

I was walking to the ice rink a few months ago and I was so bored I ran like L the rest of the way ^^ Haha, weird looks I got...
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ginger Ninja. 07/03/09, 01:26 pm

I know right!

I was laughing SOO much in that movie ^.^
Staying was fully worth it.

Ah all good, I cant remember half the groups!
It was fun though. I had a shuriken =]

Ah I love that truck!
And L... *squee*
Ginger Ninja
Ginger Ninja
fuzzeh duckling~

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 07/03/09, 01:33 pm

I was desperate for the toilet while it was on but I couldn't pull myself away xD
(Thank god it didn't end in a puddle....)

The crepe truck was amazing ^^ and when he put his hand around the girls neck? We all thought he was hugging her...sort of xD
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Madam Madhatter. 07/03/09, 01:48 pm

Yay to all L fans!!!
In fact: Yay to L himself!!!

Anywho welcome to the forums!!!
You may have noticed that we are all a friendly if somewhat... strange... lot.

I was gonna suggest Bleach but Aura beat me 2 it.
...ah try everything???

Petshop of Horrors is good.
Its about a petshop that sells mythical creatures and the such.
Stories go from scary, to funny, to grusome, to cute.

I.D.Entity is good.
Really funny.
About a futeristic vertial reality computer game and Yureka is a flutter-brained, but advanced, AI with powerful stats

Really i suggest going to the library and trying anything that looks interesting
Madam Madhatter
Madam Madhatter

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 01:24 am

Favourite Yu Gi Oh card? L!

Oh wow, Obama's already epic so combining that with L would be intense! =D.
Neither, lets brainwash him with subliminal messages naughty.
"morning Mr President would you like some sugar with your L?" Suspect

Bahah L army. Sooo much blue, white and black! Soooo little time!

Haha okay it's still ages away so I'll give you permission to slap me in the hope that you'll forget by then! xD.
You need Hinata study time!!!!! Watch some Naruto =). And you shall see Hinata in all her shy glory ^^.

Hahah nice, weird looks are the key to greatness ;D.
I quite often act like L around my friends whom have no idea what Death Note is.
But they generally don't appreciate it sad.

Hahah, yesss! It was a great laugh at the time and even more so when I watch it now ^^.

Oh I just had a look for turks as I didn't know what it was and I thiiiink I might remember you. But probably not, I most likely saw you - it was ages ago now though. And now thinking about a shuriken it brings back memories of the cosplayers but - grr, wish I had a photographic memory!
The skits looked like fun, I love acting (although I often get stage fright).
I've thought up what I want to do with my friends but I'll leave it to be a surprise ^^.

L!!! nyahaha.
Theres so many great moments! I love it when L makes the lolly kibab and offers it to Maki xD!

Very much yay to L! =)

Many thanks ^^.
Yess, everyones so bubbly and friendly it's great!

I think I'm gonna aim for Bleach next.
Haha, I'd love to watch everything! There's just soo much!!

Thanks for those suggestions though ^^ - I'm writing everyones suggestions down and I'll tick my way through the list as I get em.

I quite often stand in JB-HiFi looking at the anime section for ages... so many look interesting!
I should start having a look at manga too though. Nice and portable for awesomeness on the go thumbsup.

/end wallofspam!

Number of posts : 55
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Registration date : 2009-03-05

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 06:50 am

Favourite country? L!!

Brainwash? But that takes work D: I is lazy and busy planning other'd have to take on most of the work load Razz

Elephants never forget.
Lulz, I am aye elephunt >Very Happy

More reasons to watch Naruto...*sigh.*

Your friends sound like Kiras D: >.>

P.S, Check out teh GCQ thread. You wants to join in, I know you do =P
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 07:33 am

Favourite hobbie? L!

Pah, I'll just strap him to a chair and place a TV in front of him repeating various amazing L scenes >=D.

Curses! It seems my plan has failed xD. Okay since I can't get around this - you may slap me as long as it's in the style of something totally awesome ;D.

Hinatas the main reason I watch Naruto =P. Just watch it for her ^^.

They're all very Kira like =(.

I shall check it out! Very Happy

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 08:29 am

Favourite food? L!

...I wish I was Obama D:Lucky duck gets to watch L. Hmph.

Like, like...wif a death note eh? Or while doing the chicken dance? ;D

She must be cool ^.^

You're friends with Kira's?

*Cries and runs*
fraggle rock

Number of posts : 1457
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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 08:47 am

Favourite favourite? L!! thumbsup

Baha, well I'm sure with a little effort you could strap yourself to a chair and force yourself to watch L over and over!

Ooooooo ya, slap with the ol' Death Note. Pfft chickens are weak...

She's the mostest, bestest, coolest, estest person evar!!

Noooooo, I'm leading them on to believe we're friends... like L and Light. sweatdrop

Number of posts : 55
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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 10:09 am

Favourite thing to yell in the middle of town? L!

But I don't own things which allow me to watch L over and over!
(Doh. I own three of the Death Note anime DVDs. I fail at memory.)

Chickens can be fierce D<

...Better than L? D:

Surprised don't have any real friends? Just like L ^^
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 10:38 am

Favourite thing to randomly blurt out when there's an awkward silence? L!

Ohhh you're missing out buddy. I has my movies right next to me. Although I wish I had anime DVDs =(.
I'll trade you your DVDs for my mask >=D.

Roosters where it's at!

They're equal ^^. Hinata be my lady. L be my man.

Well no unfortunately (lol) I do have real friends so I'm not quite like L sad.

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 10:45 am

Favourite catch phrase? L!

All of them?! *explodes with jealousy* Now look what you've done.

Mask...dvds...mask...dvds >_-
Can I burn the dvds and give you the copies? ;D

Pfft. Roosters don't know anything. They is dummmb

But L is MY man D:

fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 10:55 am

Favourite thread? L!

All of them! >=D.

Hmm your offer is tempting.. I'll burn you a copy of the mask and then we can trade ;D.

Roosters know when to wake everyone up! They is smarteh!

Noooooo way Kakarot. L only has room for one man in his life! xD

I'm trying to make one go as Light, so I can battle with him all day ^^.

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 11:03 am

Favourite duvet? L! (>Very Happy Imagine it.)

>_____________< You burn me them, I burn you the anime I have? Three for three, is even!

The rooster that lives near me tries to wake people up at 2pm o.O and it doesn't quite cocka-doodle-do, more like squuaaawww...eeee

You call me man? D< I AM HIS MAN. Ffffttt.

But if you had a watari you could cry over his corpse all day ^.^
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 11:13 am

That would be so cool! Very Happy

Favourite poster? L! (I want one sad)

Ohk, well that's a bad rooster xD. But the good ones are smart!

This battle will most likely never end! So I think we might have to share him... you can have him weekends... I got him week days kk?

Pffft, L does not cry!
I'll just kinda, zone out.. xD

Number of posts : 55
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Transforms into : Hinata!! ;D
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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 11:22 am

*Looks to the right* Haha, BE JEALOUS. *Looks straight ahead* HAHA..Oh. It's Light and Misa. STILL.

Favourite pair of shoes? L.

Bad rooster. Has a bandana and a tattoo. Lulz, gang connections. xD

NAWW. No fair!
*kidnaps Hinata*

L could cry! He would D: Eventually...
If you zoned out people would think L was a druggie...=[
fraggle rock

Number of posts : 1457
Age : 31
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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 11:48 am

:O Very jealous!!!!!
I have a little bobble head Mello ^^.

I have L shoes Very Happy. Well they're just white shoes that I drew the L symbol on.. but still Razz.

Haha, gangster rooster xD.

You has the final word. gonk gonk gonk

Maybe one day he would!
Naw, suger high zone outs ;D

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By kelseyketchum. 08/03/09, 11:52 am

I know where you got that mello bobble head!
When I went there all they had was Light...
I didn't buy it xD

I drew the L symbol on my blue chucks, green chucks, white skivvy, cabinet and laptop ^.^

Haha, not yo-yo but...crow crow.
*Lame joke laughs*

>=D He is mine all days then, yes?

:3 Awrh I want to watch L now ^^
fraggle rock

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Re: Heya! ^^
Post By Ilovehinata. 08/03/09, 12:04 pm

It was a surprise package thingy. Really wanted L sad.

Ohk you win Razz. I cannot compete!

*laughs at lame jokes*

Nooo I dislike this deal >=(.

Ditto here, I might actually stick it on Very Happy.

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