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Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic]

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Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic]
Post By Freddie. 07/01/09, 06:14 am

The last thought left floating through his mind had long since perished when it happened.

He was awoken something licking at his feet. Almost instantly he knew something was wrong. Brightness beating down on his eyes, He was afraid to open them. He had just died. He had not been pure of heart, he was not in heaven. Then what was this unholy light threatening to burn his eyeballs? Maybe he was in Hell. The man who had spent his existence using the brightest of all tools, sentenced to an afterlife of eternal light. Except he was no longer a man.

When his eyes opened he scanned down his own body, taking in the details that had changed since he... what had he done? He had died. Sacraficed himself. Yet here he was. His thoughts returned to his clothing. Yellow Chaps, perhaps protecting the white denim trousers underneath from stains. They were tied at the ankles with a leather brace, just above his similarly coloured sneakers. And then his vest, oh his neon blue vest. It almost hurt his eyes, clashing violently with the black strips along his sides. His bare chest was exposed, the unzipped vest hanging down into sand. And he looked... Younger. He couldn't have been much shorter, but he must have only been a teenager...

Axel's mind focused on a new thought, and his eyes followed soon after. The coarse, white sand... He ran his finger's through it, feeling it running through them was almost a new sensation. After minutes, his eyes lifted to look for a reason for what was happening. What he saw was an endless Ocean. He sat up slowly, letting a hand run through his hair. thankfully it was still red, but hang down, straight to his shoulders. Just for that he would murder whoever was reponsible... The ocean shimmered under his glare, he reached back through his memory and realised it was fading. He knew it was going to happen. He had grown some idea of what had happened. He had by now recognised the Island he was on. He had swapped places with... Sora? Was that the name? Axel shook his head. of course the kid's name was Sora. Who else? The question he should be asking is Why... why had he swapped places with Sora? He was sure Sora wasn't here... call it a gut feeling. And now, whoever had put him here was wiping his memory, stopping him from questioning what was going on. Perhaps he had been granted a Second chance at life. a small sigh escape his lips.

A sound caught Axel's focus and his head whirled around. Namine. Cofusion flickered through his mind. Why did he know the name of girl approaching him. If his memory was to by wiped, he should be made to remember nothing of this certain Nobody. And yet, it was almost like had known her all his life. Only a moment had passed and he heard the crunch of her shoe into the sand yet again. Axel closed his eyes and waited for her to reach him. So many questions...

"Hey" The Soft voice rolled out.

Just ba small story i'm working on. tell me if it's totsl crap, kay?

Last edited by FRED on 07/01/09, 08:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic] Vide
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Re: Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic]
Post By Pyro. 07/01/09, 07:52 am

I'm liking it. ;D
Interesting idea, and your writing is good.
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Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic] Vide
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Re: Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic]
Post By Freddie. 07/01/09, 08:06 am

Thankies. Ill add to it as i write some more. Actually, ill add some now. An important detail has emerged
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2615
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Registration date : 2008-11-30

Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic] Vide
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Something i'm working on. [KH FanFic]

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