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Idea's for a game?

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Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 19/12/08, 01:44 pm

What kind of games do you like?

Ones like FF(with the old or new battle system)
Hack'n'slash like Diablo
Monster Taming like Pokemon(Or a remake)
Something like sims maybe?
Age of empires
World of warcraft(minus the online thing....for now)
Grand theft auto
Mech warriors
Midnight club

What kind of Heroes would you like to see in it?
Relucdant hero like Richard
Idiotic like Goku
Young and dumb like Sora
All wise and mysterious like Vincent or Auron
Or a person you make yourself

What about a bad guy?
Someone who is only on a killing spree
Someone who wants to rule the world
or destroy it
or a person who just wants to beat on the hero?

I have 2-3 months of free time, got nothing to do, may make a 2D game for starters, and set up a 3D game.
Comment on what you'd like to see and ill add ya names as Characters ;)

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Guest. 19/12/08, 03:01 pm

i want to play a game where I am the villan and i just want to see the world burn and my main adversery is the zealout type who wants good in everything and something turn based would probably be easiest to do


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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 19/12/08, 03:17 pm

Turn based like the old RPG games?
or like FF9?

I always wanted to play the bad guy too :)

And about [insert bad word here] someone commented^-^

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Guest. 19/12/08, 03:22 pm

i was thinking more like disgea with a turn based strategy sort of game play or a card type game play (the latter is piss easy to programme)


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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 19/12/08, 03:29 pm

Hmm that would be really easy to make.

I could use your guys names for the characters and soldiers and attacks :)

"Evil Lord Balmung has sent his top general Syn to eliminate the Zeal of Duckeh and Yami Shocked !.
Lord Balmung carries the infamous weapon, Rikashiku and with it, he will destroy all Teddy bears!"

Idk i felt random and i feel like kicking teddy bears right now.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Guest. 20/12/08, 05:36 am

Devil May Cry kind of like game but kind of like Japanese anime based characters that you would usually see a in Role play game, and have more than one character and work in a group of three- all of them villians and looking badass ..

While the heroes are the villians and the typical almost perfect like male lead, kind of handsome and vain..

Awesome gothic like music and backgrounds and can perform special hits that are kind of familar to Mortal Kombat..

With heaps of castles and vampires ~~ teehee ~~~

* Gets carried away *


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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 20/12/08, 10:22 am

Hmmm kinda like Evil Genius(PC game)

Fatality? Hell yeah!
Anime based characters? Those should be easy to make.
Teehee? q.p

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Guest. 20/12/08, 11:32 am

Fatality that's the one !~~~

Though that would problery make the game R16 wouldn't it ?


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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 20/12/08, 03:42 pm

Yes it would.
But has that ever stopped a 12 year old from playing games? :p (e.g ME 6 years ago)

Besides, we already have Donald duck fighting and Goofy almost dying (KH)

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Guest. 21/12/08, 06:48 am

Yeah that's true little kids buy R-rated games anyways..
There is no stopping them..

The orginal Disney Movies are way more violent than Kingdom Hearts, and the characters * almost * die all the time ( Jungle Book ? )


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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Gravitex. 21/12/08, 07:51 am

wht bwt sumthing like Fable where you choose what side to take.liike GTA but u choose if your a cop or a criminal.that would be epic

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By fleyer. 21/12/08, 07:57 am

I don't like turn based bleh but as long as it's active attack it's kewl

Put me as a mega super special awesome attack or something =DDDD
Like a summon or just an awesome weapon X3
Sushi ;O

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Gravitex. 21/12/08, 08:04 am

and what would you name this almighty weapon of which you speak hmmm?

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 21/12/08, 03:22 pm

Quote :
Yeah that's true little kids buy R-rated games anyways..
There is no stopping them..
Its an epidemic!

Quote :
wht bwt sumthing like Fable where you choose what side to take.liike GTA but u choose if your a cop or a criminal.that would be epic
Most of the games i work on are faction affiliate. Its not so great if you dont decide to be good or bad and people hate/love you for it :)

@Fleyer: The turn based is a thing of the a way. The few i have made/are making have a timer and a chain/combo on em.
So speed is the most important thing in them :). and chain/Combo is used for characters who can hold a waiting list of attacks in one turn.

I shalt call you a super cool special attack list!
Like Fire/Fira/firaga/Firagra
You shalt be: Fleyer/Fleyera/Fleyeraga/Fleyeragra.
What do you doos?
Fleyer: A Geeky creepy girl appears and peace signs the enemy to death! Shocked
Fleyera: She appears with two peace signs of death 0.0
Fleyeraga: Two peace signs of death and bunny/elephant ears!
Fleyeragra: She flashes them *dies*

:) idk, that was random.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Freddie. 22/12/08, 01:29 pm

Let me sum up what i understand

- Anime Charater
- Customization of character (good, Evil, Looks)
- Play a single character, working in groups
- Gothic (music, Castles, Vampires)
- Choose ones side, varies throughout game
- Kinda like... Devil May Cry, Disgea, Evil Genius, Fable, Mortal Combat, GTA
- Some kind of divine or Ultimate or super attack/weapon/form
- Not Turn Based

I think i like the sound of that. Set in a kind of Medival, but not quite world. You choose whether your a Villan hellbent on seeing the world burn, or a Handsome, Arrogant Zealot Hero. And them you make characters in between. Like a Paladin who's not as "good" as the zealot, but still good. Or a Mercenery who doesn't want the world to burn, but is still evil.

I think we should be able to choose race, But keep it down to maybe three, four. Human, werewolf, Vampire annnnd...... Teenager? xD!
forum prisoner.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Gravitex. 23/12/08, 12:16 pm

[/quote]I shalt call you a super cool special attack list!
Like Fire/Fira/firaga/Firagra
You shalt be: Fleyer/Fleyera/Fleyeraga/Fleyeragra.
What do you doos?
Fleyer: A Geeky creepy girl appears and peace signs the enemy to death!
Fleyera: She appears with two peace signs of death 0.0
Fleyeraga: Two peace signs of death and bunny/elephant ears!
Fleyeragra: She flashes them *dies*


shame Fleyer! someone doesnt like you! BWAHAHAHA rofl

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 24/12/08, 01:36 pm


Exactly :)
I can mix up the world so its like, one place is industrial age and the other side is Medieval.

Teenager Race????.....May i marry your brain :)

Ok so lets make it say, People react to you differently when you choose a race they like and dont like.
-Teenager (Woot!)

Should we list characters from our favorite animes to star in them as NPC or enemies?
Kinda sounding like Kingdom hearts only im using Anime and not Disney :p
*Hint* Look at Yen Sid's name backwards ;)

Lucy/ Nyu will definatly be in it Very Happy
Inuyasha maybe?

Lol that was only random , not hate :p....*shifty eyes*

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Freddie. 25/12/08, 07:43 am

Heh, the teenage race was a joke, but if you want to use it i guess the best was would be to have it as a changeable character trait for each race. Like, deciding the age. Kid, Teen, Adult, Old. that kind of thing

Have you got a plot yet? cause if you wanted to intergrate the "Industrial/Midival" thing i have a fair idea for a plot.

Is it an RPG as in, you follow a set quest to complete the game, or in the jist that you Role Play among others online?

If you have it with the Favourite characters thing, then use them directly. Think of how Disney characters are in KH.

Only let a few "Characters" be playable, else you'll have people playing the bad guy and losing, just so their good guy can win
forum prisoner.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 25/12/08, 02:11 pm

I could probably make my own in a snap :). But lets see what you can bring out Thunder.

It would have to be RPG on 2d bitmap and sprites. Especially if i wanna make it quick.

Im gonna have one hell of a sore Behind trying to make the characters aswell. But ive got one in mind i can use.
Haven't found a home for him yet but i think i can place him in this :) Just gotta put him on paper first.
I was born with a fast brain, so i dont forget things very easily.

Ill make afew playable with their skills from the anime and games. Like Lucy and her Vectors ripping enemies apart :p.

Ill make it so that you make your own character who can choose to join the Good guys or the Bad guys.
Most will only be temporary. players that you can control. If you do to many bad deeds, you will not be able to get the Good Playabe characters, if you are Good, the Evil Characters wont join.

It will take alot to make it an Online game (like 10 more people and 5 months to spare). But in time, it will happen :).

For the Anime/Manga Characters i have:

Lucy/Nyu of elfen lied Who will be a playable character and enemy.
Ovan from .Hack//Roots as a bad guy
Haseo also from Roots as a Good guy(ish)
Gaara of Naruto as a good guy(ish)
Hamtaro as a NPC
Shiki from Black Cat as a NPC/Playable character

So far thats all i got :)

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Freddie. 25/12/08, 04:05 pm

Well its midnigth now, so ill get the idea down on the theoretical paper tomorrow. it wont be clean and parts of it wont make sense, but itll be a start, right?

Ya know, if you just pulled people around here together, we could have a chance at an online game...

Random thought - What if those in the industrial bit and those in the midieval were enemys so to speak?
forum prisoner.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 26/12/08, 09:58 am

Lol well people seem to enjoy viewing this thread and then leave Razz

Indust vs Medi's is kind of a basic idea Razz

Have you gotten the plot on your mind?

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Freddie. 27/12/08, 02:11 am

Well if it were Indust vs. Midi you'd basically have two story lines, plots and what not. One would follow a Midi character on his "Journey to strength" and the other would follow the Idust character in a similar way.
The idea is that both "factions" were looking for a champion. Once the champ had been found he would be sent to a one-on-one battle with the other champ. The winner taking over. IE, if the Indust won, they would take over the Midi place. If the Midid won they would Be left to their place.
(This is where i introduce the NPC people :3) So for arguments sake im going to speak from the Midi perspective for this bit. So he'd start out as Somone who cares not for the outside world. But when he hears about this "tournament" and the prize money involved, he signs up for it. Someone (im going to assume its either NPC Character or a wise old man) sends him on a gruelling training course, through various worlds where he encounter's other chcaracters. ie, when he goes to Hamtaro's world he becomes a hamster and learns that stregnth isnt everything. So theres a lesson involved with each world. The middle part of the plot basically works like that, Go to a world, learn a lesson, gain knowledge, leave. Same would go for the Indust side, but i'm guessing there would be changes. Like instead of "Wise Old Man" it's a Gangster Street Lord. Instead of Hamtaro It's Ratattouie. catch my drift?
So this reaches a pinnacle when, after returning triumphent from his last world, the Wise Old man take him aside and tells him something along the lines of "It's Time" and gives him a speech on the importance of the lesson's hes learned. The character must then survive the gruelling rounds of tournament till he reaches the final, where he must battle someone close, Like a childhood best friend, or a girl he had a crush on. After winning that he goes into the "Battle" with the Indust Champ. Let the best amn win?

There could be so many underlying plots, like a love story, or a rivalry with someone else under the old man.

Thats the basics of it. if you like it, ill get more specific.
forum prisoner.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 27/12/08, 05:13 am

....again, can i marry your brain :)

Have the Indust characters as weaker in strength and speed while the Midi's are weak in intell and defence.
Since it is Advanced vs Primative.

Should the two mains be named by the players or should he have a given name?

Lets make it like this.
Choose either a boy or a girl with two best friends. One boy and one girl.

So if chosen a boy, the girl likes him but the boy doesnt. Like-wise for the girl.

Hmmm i lost interest in Gundam along time ago BUT for the Indust old guy, how about one of the Gundam people?
Or Ovan from Roots.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Freddie. 27/12/08, 05:26 am

I personally have no idea about Gundam. Whenever i saw an add for it on CN i used to change the channel, cos i hated Mecha stuff.

Well, we could gather a selection of names, and let them choose.

OHHHH with the boy-girl thing, let make it that the character you choose kinda looses the friend at the start. thats what fuels them to Train hard and compete ect!

Yes, i think we have some good brain juices flowing right here, sir.

With the world thing, i had a thought. Instead of choosing races, (Vamps, werewolves) We'd enter a world of that race and become it. Ie, Twilight world for Vamp werewolf, Cosplay world for Cosplayers...

Did you want any voiceing invloved? I think it would be best in Phoenix Wrightesque. With a few voice clips, but mostly subtitles...? And and dozen or so battle crys!
forum prisoner.

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Re: Idea's for a game?
Post By Rikashiku. 27/12/08, 06:38 am

Hmmm how about Iolaus Oz Mehelim from Heroic Age :) Its a cool anime, sometimes uses mecha stuff other times its a little hercules kid fighting monsters and he can blow up jupiter.

Blargg! LOSE lol to many people spell loose instead of lose Razz.

We need artist! To draw faces and full body arts and what not!

Hmmm, this is gonna take alotta spriting and switch work.

Voice would be nice :). Subtitles would be best but voices make it sound more exciting.

How about Animated movie events? If i can find a decent animation maker to use. iClone looks good.
Like for the intro, endings and entering the worlds.

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