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Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt

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Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt
Post By Orthien. 10/06/13, 02:52 am

Hey guys.

Just wondering if anyone knows somewhere in NZ to order Apoxie Sculpt from? I can find anywhere that does it anymore and would prefer to not have to try to get it in from the US.

Soldier A

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2011-05-19

Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt Vide
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Re: Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt
Post By Highlander. 11/06/13, 07:03 am

Try and see it they have any left.

With Topmark closing (temporarily) down it is a little harder to find some stuff.

But if you are prepared to change brand you should be able to find equivalent products in craft shops.
dark CHii

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Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt Vide
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Re: Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt
Post By Orthien. 11/06/13, 08:13 am

I tried them. They don't stock it anymore due to their supplier (maybe topmark) closing down.

Do we know of any other decent equivalents that can be found in NZ. I know a lot of people in the states just don't like how everything else handles and works.

Soldier A

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2011-05-19

Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt Vide
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Re: Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt
Post By Static. 11/06/13, 12:30 pm

Yup - you can get a product called Milliput from Modelcrafts and hobbies (maybe other places too)and it's just as good. Same thing, basically; AS has a slightly finer texture but both smooth well with water. Don't bother with the superfine white stuff unless you don't plan on painting, both handle very similarly.

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Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt Vide
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Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt Vide
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Where to buy Apoxie Sculpt

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