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Disgaea chat

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Disgaea chat
Post By Mr freelance. 02/01/13, 03:30 pm

Disgaea Disgaea Disgaea. Where do i begin to explain disgaea?.

Well its a jrpg with a big focus on turn base strategy. There's just one thing that sets disgaea apart from other turn base strategy games like Xcom, advance war and FF tactics.

This game is balls to wall wacky but in a good

For example. In disgaea 4 You have a vampire that gave up drinking blood and now eats sardines, You have a werewolf that's a bit to close to his vampire lord, kind of like if black butler and twilight got together, You have year 9 that thinks every that is going is a dream, a demon girl that what's to grow to become a final boss, And a angel stealing from hell because heaven is going bankrupt.

Sounds strange? It most differently is, but that's the charm of it. Sure it throws logic out of the window but at least it know's what it is and it promotes its self because of it. Not to mention that the attacks are stupidly cool, like how you can equip a cat that shoots fish.

So what do you guys and gals think of disgaea?
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Disgaea chat

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