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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Star Wars: The Old Republic
Post By Guest. 19/04/12, 03:23 pm

So I've starting playing this game, being Star Wars I was expecting it to be huge, but the player base by numbers is disappointing. It could be because I am playing on a US server so when I get on and play it is the dead of night but the Oceanic Servers show the same number of people. Apparently people have already jumped ship back to WoW (which I will be doing soon I think, definitely prior to Panderia). And the patches, my god, very frequent and always during Oceanic playing times.

So negatives aside the game is graphically stunning, miles ahead of most MMO's and because the UI has everything you need, you don't end up with a million add-ons that slow reduce system performance. Since I've paid for it I'm gonna be playing it as much as I can and try and convince myself that it may have a future along with WoW for me. Come and join me. Ill be between 5.00-10.30 NZT most days.

My Details are:

Server: Shadowlands-US
Faction: Sith
Name: SupaFitz
Class: Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
Current Level: 15

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Vide
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Post By NotADruggie. 19/04/12, 06:02 pm

Waiting for guild wars 2 :)
seXAH <3

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Vide
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Post By Guest. 20/04/12, 03:27 am

I've never really taken to free MMO's (with the exception of Runescape because I'm a kool kid). I feel like they just get bogged down by too many idiots and little kids who ruin the experience for the people who really get into the game.

I'll happily pay $15US a month to play WoW or ToR because it feels like an investment. If I'm paying, I am much less likely to miss a raid night or let the team down, if you mess up socially in these games you can potentially end up wasting alot of money rebuild your online creditibily (-1 cool points) or re-rolling on a new server where you dont have a reputation.

But thinking about it, I might grab Guild Wars 2 as a solution to I'm studying, need something to chill out to occasionally, not willing to pay a subscription to a game I cant dedicate myself to.

Whats its release date?


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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Post By neimhaille. 20/04/12, 03:43 am

Yeah, you may be on a server with very few kiwis :) I'm on The Harbinger (PvE) and even at higher levels there are people around, especially with the Rakghoul event :) The Swiftsure is the PvP server most Aussies and Kiwis play on for PvP

My main is a BH Merc, arsenal, level 42, close to 43. Oceania players will be offered a free transfer by the end of April (so make sure you have NZ as your country). I'm really not sure if I will as the load on the server is usually heavy or medium/average it is rarely light. My game play has suffered a little (one of about four issues, one of which is my not leet skills, not bad but not leet).

I've mostly soloed but will group up if my abilities can help a group. Haven't done a raid/operation yet. But have helped out on class missions for others as well as instances.

Emdibi on The Harbinger. Friend me if you are on the server and add your name here so I can add back. I don't get the XP (just make sure you target first) and I have finally figured out the divide loot system ;) I also armourmech so can probably get you some mid level armour ;)
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Vide
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Post By Guest. 20/04/12, 04:51 am

Is that an X-fer from US to Oceanic or Oceanic- US? I have my reasons for being on Shadowlands (where my US WoW guild are playing) so it's kinda a hole that I have dug myself into, but if I'm only ever going to be on with 1-3 people I might as well X-fer...


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