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Post By Guest. 24/06/11, 10:07 am

Nichijou Nichij11

Genre: Comedy

PLOT:The series follows the lives of a group of high school students and their school. Various oddities and absurdities abound, such as a robotic girl made by an eight-year-old scientist, a boy who rides a goat to school with his butler, a girl who can procure various guns out of thin air, a cat that can speak and a principal who has wrestled a deer. Despite its bizarre settings and characters, the students still lead normal lives

It's basically a mix of Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh
(animated by Kyoto Animation)
Have you seen it?
What are your thoughts of it?


Nichijou Vide
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Re: Nichijou
Post By Guest. 27/06/11, 01:35 pm

Have you seen it? Yes.
What are your thoughts of it? "Selamat pagi!"

That is all.


Nichijou Vide
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