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One piece!

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One piece!
Post By mastereable. 20/05/11, 11:31 am

(there could quite possibly be a thread about this, but i've searched the first f pages and found nothing?) anyway, seeing as i needed an anime I hadn't seen, and i like like long lasting ones, i started buying Funimations uncut one piece dvds last week (already bought the first 8 collections). Why (other than due to 4kids terrible dubs), did I not get onto this sooner? The anime is nearly up to episode 500, and the manga near on 650 chapters. Not only that, but the author reacons it's only just over half way through? That's pretty intense. I can see a lot of my time and money going in to this over the next 10 or so years haha. So is anyone else into one piece? What are your thoughts or favourite characters etc?


Number of posts : 48
Age : 32
Location : Wanganui =/
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-02-19

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Re: One piece!
Post By Highlander. 20/05/11, 01:38 pm

My thoughts are that it could quite easily bankrupt me!

Oh, and I do Zoro. I have a picture of me with luffy. (Yes I can hold a sword in my mouth.)

We sort of had a group one year. No group picture sad. But we even had Sanji.
dark CHii

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Re: One piece!
Post By mastereable. 20/05/11, 03:14 pm

nice, that's pretty cool haha. and yea could quite easily bankrupt me to. then again $45 a month for 13 episodes on dvd isn't to bad a deal


Number of posts : 48
Age : 32
Location : Wanganui =/
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-02-19

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Re: One piece!
Post By Highlander. 20/05/11, 03:49 pm

Where are you buying them from?

dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
Age : 52
Location : Christchurch
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Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: One piece!
Post By mastereable. 20/05/11, 04:12 pm
we don't have any stores that sell anime where i live so I just buy online


Number of posts : 48
Age : 32
Location : Wanganui =/
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-02-19

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Re: One piece!
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 20/05/11, 04:35 pm

I've been wanting to get into this for a long time but I'm wary because I have a tendency to fall in love with long running Shounen Animes and most of them eventually turn to crap. stare It's annoying especially when I end up spending lots of money on collecting stuff for them. *Stares at piles of Bleach merchandise* stare I don't really have the room to store that many dvds or episodes on my computer too so it's a bit of pain, lol.

@Glenn: Your links or whatever it is that you posted is not working, nothing is there. stare Razz

Ps:Download and save money! Razz
fraggle rock

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Re: One piece!
Post By mastereable. 20/05/11, 04:48 pm

I know wgat you mean haha. But yea, i took a big risk with one piece. id been reading about it and it looks like after 500 episodes, it's still strong in quality. So with only having seen the 'adventures in Alabasta' movie (which due to not know the series left me in a bit of a lurch!) i decided to buy all 8 volumes released here so far. so around $400 in one week? haha. crazy i know, and perhaps i would have downloaded them, but dad goes crazy at me for chewing through the b band as it is. Plus i think there is just something more rewarding or satisfying about having the dvd? maybe that's just me XD

ps: i work a lot, and am saving to study animation, but with the rest of the money i make i just spend it on anime. In the last 3 weeks i'd say it's been nearly $600 - $700. makes my stomach turn a little, but oh well


Number of posts : 48
Age : 32
Location : Wanganui =/
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-02-19

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Re: One piece!
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 20/05/11, 04:53 pm

Well I don't have that problem because I live on own. Razz I can't afford to buy that much Anime not on a regular basis anyway besides I'm fussy, I only buy my favourite series mostly because I don't what to go through the hassle of trying to sell them if I lose interest. *Cough* Bleach *Cough* chuu~! nodnod
fraggle rock

Number of posts : 1480
Age : 37
Location : Asguard
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Registration date : 2008-10-08

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Re: One piece!
Post By mastereable. 20/05/11, 05:06 pm

i see, makes sense =] can't wait to move back out haha. but i know what it's like to study and have to pay for your living arangements, so i suppose i'm making the most of it now before i have to go through it all again =/ what fun.


Number of posts : 48
Age : 32
Location : Wanganui =/
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-02-19

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Re: One piece!
Post By Highlander. 21/05/11, 02:48 am

But one piece is a lot different to bleach. It's crazy, funny, light hearted. Unique. So like watch some, you will very quickly figure out if you like it or not.

I have the first 16 DVD's, and the same in Manga.
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
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Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: One piece!
Post By mastereable. 21/05/11, 01:12 pm

The best way I could describe it is "Dragon ball (not z) meets pirates of the Caribbean"


Number of posts : 48
Age : 32
Location : Wanganui =/
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-02-19

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Re: One piece!
Post By Highlander. 21/05/11, 01:25 pm

If jack sparrow was a rubber boy.
Although villain wise pirate of the Caribbean is pretty spot on.

Edit: Jack sparrow as a rubber pirate, awesome image!

"Wo, look at that, my arm stretches. Would you look at that! Well I suppose it makes reaching more drinks easier."
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
Age : 52
Location : Christchurch
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Registration date : 2009-05-02

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