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Whurr's the cheap flights?

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Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Rikku. 15/04/11, 04:30 pm

Ololol gotta love it when you're talking to somebody and they get you all excited for AuckGeddon when you weren't really intending to go because of the rugby and business and everything else.
But now I'm amped. Got a place to stay, ways to get places, yadda yadda yadda.
So my question is this. What's a good website to search for cheap cheap flights from Christchurch to Auckland?
My Google-fu is weak, and I was also wondering what people were thinking about the Rugby being close to Geddon(or vice versa, if you're that way inclined. xD).

Hurr. I think this is in the righ tplace. It's relevant to AuckGeddon, I guess... xD;;;
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Admin. 16/04/11, 05:18 am is pretty good. It compares flights from different airlines, and includes taxes and surcharges in the prices.
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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By sakuramiyabi. 16/04/11, 05:30 am

i just use the mix and match function on

then i just go to the respective airline websites they spit out

though webjet is pretty good~

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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Rikku. 16/04/11, 09:55 am

Hokie. Thankee, you two. <333
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Highlander. 16/04/11, 03:59 pm

But basically you only have Jetstar and Air New Zealand don't you?
dark CHii

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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Basaka. 17/04/11, 04:24 am

Lurk Grabaseat. It's probably the cheapest... if you have fast fingers.

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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By ai-scully. 17/04/11, 03:26 pm

Jetstar is the cheaper of the two available...
though grabaseat is good... but you have to lurk it for ages and have fingers like dynamite.
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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Highlander. 17/04/11, 03:43 pm

But with jetstar you have to pay for bags as well. So I find ANZ to be as cheap. But you got to check both to see whats available at the time.
dark CHii

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Re: Whurr's the cheap flights?
Post By Willuknight. 01/05/11, 02:09 pm

I won't fly with Jetstar. VERY VERY BAD EXPERIENCES.

Go airNZ!

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Whurr's the cheap flights?

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