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Dissidia 012 Group???

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Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By yummas. 05/04/11, 02:32 pm

After having a helpful comment about how everyone who cps is into the new thing hows about we get a Dissida 012 group together , I know its not new new but it would be epic to have all 30+ characters their think of all the small children with smiles on their faces if they saw the warriors of cosmos battle it out with the warriors of chaos (playfully of course). I mabye exagerating this alittle but, it would be kind of badass when you think about, so whos up for it?

Number of posts : 393
Age : 29
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : the one the only STEAK
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By panini. 11/04/11, 01:36 pm

That sounds like a pretty awesome idea, but realistically organizing that many people in such a short amount of time is going to be one hell of a mission.

That said, I'm considering cosplaying one of the new characters for auck/wellygeddon 2011/12,
just not sure who yet.

Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : flying shoe
Registration date : 2008-04-29

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By yummas. 13/04/11, 12:48 am

HOLY BALLS (pardon my french) some one actually posted on this WTF, I have a zidane and Squall/Leon (depends if this Kh group grows), so its good to show peope have interest in this besides me.

recommendations (new charcter wise)


probably the least time consuming costumes to make plus they involve very little armor (yay lazy )

hope my suggestion helps

Number of posts : 393
Age : 29
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : the one the only STEAK
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By panini. 16/04/11, 03:20 am

I was thinking Kain actually myself, but yeah

Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : flying shoe
Registration date : 2008-04-29

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By yummas. 16/04/11, 04:13 am

well if you want kain that be preety awesome

Number of posts : 393
Age : 29
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : the one the only STEAK
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By Ting. 18/04/11, 04:52 pm

Me and a friend are looking into a dissidia cosplay group, we will be choreographying a fight scene aswell. a somewhat better version of the one we did this year. He wanted squall even wants to make a lionheart O.O, I'm still considering a character to cosplay so you are not alone if you go dissidia

Number of posts : 14
Age : 33
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-01-20

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By panini. 19/04/11, 01:39 am

Which characters would you cosplay as?

In other news, Kain is started! I get the feeling I'ma hate craft foam by the end of all this...

Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : flying shoe
Registration date : 2008-04-29

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Re: Dissidia 012 Group???
Post By yummas. 19/04/11, 01:51 pm

well one of my asian friends is going as a very chibi zidane and Im going as squall, however I havent started my outfit or anything preoccupied with a KH2 group costume however I could easily go as laguna if you guys want

but characters I would go as would include Garland (SO AWESOME) sepiroth , warrior of light( to much detail though UUUUUUURRRRRGGGHHH) mabye cecil and laguna and squall, but Im new to the whole cp scene so Ill be going easy this time

Number of posts : 393
Age : 29
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : the one the only STEAK
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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