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Cosplay New Zealand
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Cosplay New Zealand
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League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By venom. 26/03/11, 08:47 pm
Anyone here play League of Legends or Starcraft 2?
I'd like more people to play with. I hate playing with randoms.
Also, I haven't posted/visited here in years. Feelsgoodman.
venom marshmallow ninja
Number of posts : 927 Age : 135 Location : Man, You Cow Transforms into : venombot Gender : Undisclosed Registration date : 2008-10-28
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By JoXaZe. 09/04/11, 01:18 pm
IN for LoL and used to play SC2 but not so much since I got bored of it. Feel free to hit me up in LoL, if you ever come back here to see this post. My user here is the same as in the game soo see you round maybe.
JoXaZe Pinky
Number of posts : 21 Age : 32 Location : Wellington Transforms into : nyah Gender : Male Registration date : 2011-04-07
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By AnimeLove. 09/04/11, 01:47 pm
LoL -ing IGN DimScene still noob-ish scuse the lvl XD butbutbut i do a good Xin 8D
AnimeLove Superman
Number of posts : 257 Age : 33 Location : Auckland Transforms into : A Magnificent pin cushion Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-05-03
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By JoXaZe. 09/04/11, 02:20 pm
Awshum I'll add you now, in the middle of a game xP
JoXaZe Pinky
Number of posts : 21 Age : 32 Location : Wellington Transforms into : nyah Gender : Male Registration date : 2011-04-07
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By venom. 18/05/11, 09:55 am
Oh yeah, my ign is VeNcoze. (My main atm).
Also, a video that I recorded to test it out last night... (this includes Yamini from CNZ as well, Suixelo's bf):
venom marshmallow ninja
Number of posts : 927 Age : 135 Location : Man, You Cow Transforms into : venombot Gender : Undisclosed Registration date : 2008-10-28
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By UnforgivinAngel. 20/05/11, 08:40 am
Neato a League o' Legends topic.
You should totally send me a friend request, name's "Kneesocks Desu".
Awesome mirite?
UnforgivinAngel Le grande
Number of posts : 172 Age : 30 Location : Hamilton yo Transforms into : God of course. Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-10-25
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By superarmy. 02/06/11, 02:44 am
Mid-Diamond Terran, Will play more week after next when I'm through exams. Wouldn't mind a practice partner.
superarmy Banana
Number of posts : 113 Age : 33 Location : Christchurch Transforms into : Activating a Murakumo Unit Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-05-16
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By AnimeLove. 08/06/11, 02:46 pm
OMG KNEESOCKS bahaha /my future cosplay/ myword i havnt been on LoL for soo long ;-; will add all of youu soonish ><
AnimeLove Superman
Number of posts : 257 Age : 33 Location : Auckland Transforms into : A Magnificent pin cushion Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-05-03
Re: League of Legends or Starcraft 2 By dysphorique. 24/07/11, 01:50 pm
My LoL ign: Erratic
I haven't played for over a month though x_x; Might get back into it soon, but my internet's capped atm :c gah nz internet T^T
dysphorique Terminator
Number of posts : 74 Age : 27 Location : Auckland Gender : Female Registration date : 2011-07-24
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