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What other cosplay activities would you like?

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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By Koemix. 22/11/10, 06:46 am

Dancing sounds cool ( ouo) juss' sayin.

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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By Koemix. 22/11/10, 06:54 am

Mandie_Chan wrote:
Don't think this has already been said (or if it'll count) but in dunedin Basaka did a 'voice over anime' thing. It was really popular and sadly we didn't really have enough time to get into it ^_^;
Doesn't directly involve cosplay but could interest cosplayers non the less?

I think that would be great to have at auckgeddon, It might get wreaked and it would probably be hard to get a turn at it though D:

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Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By Highlander. 22/11/10, 08:31 am

Karianna wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Karianna, what do you think about the hero of canton scene in the bar. If we could rope quite a few people preferably 8+ to sing the song in the background?

That'd be sweet Very Happy
If I get the Concert sorted for Auckland, we should do it on our Firefly Group day Very Happy

Or else there is the river tam and badger scene out of "Shindig"! If we don't get enough singing extras.
dark CHii

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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By azeria. 22/11/10, 08:50 am

^What song is this?
/possibly keen for singing extra lol
ACB Queen '10

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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By Guest. 22/11/10, 08:54 am

Keen to stand around asking if this is what going crazy feels like! Very Happy

I've been thinking about getting a battle system going - a mutant hybrid of YGO, M:TG, Duel Masters and Cosplay Chess. Non-contact, battle is determined by cheering from the sidelines. Power levels determined by how strong your character is in canon. Everyone who is a "card" gets a fancy entry, and likely a fight (with either fantastic victory or heartrending defeat), or a fancy sacrifice scene.


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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By Highlander. 22/11/10, 09:10 am

It's not really hard, just wear dirty old work clothes and sing a chorus.

Now we need a guitar player/singer too.
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
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Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: What other cosplay activities would you like?
Post By superjumper. 22/11/10, 09:27 am

u_ne_korn wrote:

I've been thinking about getting a battle system going - a mutant hybrid of YGO, M:TG, Duel Masters and Cosplay Chess. Non-contact, battle is determined by cheering from the sidelines. Power levels determined by how strong your character is in canon. Everyone who is a "card" gets a fancy entry, and likely a fight (with either fantastic victory or heartrending defeat), or a fancy sacrifice scene.

oh yes, i LOVE this idea. Very Happy

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Registration date : 2010-11-09

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