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shoujo idea ?

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It's a good idea/ would read it
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 22% [ 2 ]
Sorry but it's not that great
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 22% [ 2 ]
It's could but- [ please explain via Forum the reason for the but]
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 11% [ 1 ]
It sounds promising ! ^^
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 33% [ 3 ]
It sounds like a bad fanfiction
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 0% [ 0 ]
My DOG could come up with a better idea
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 0% [ 0 ]
Really love it ^-^
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 0% [ 0 ]
When is it coming out, really want to know !
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 0% [ 0 ]
Uh sorry but it doesn't interest me..
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 11% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 9
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shoujo idea ?
Post By Guest. 19/11/09, 10:44 am

Eh have come up with a idea for a Shoujo Manga or maybe a romance/ Fantasy novel.. but it's going to have weapons/ fighting so some guys might be interested in reading too..

It's about a girl named Miracle who was born with a birth defect and she was sent away from her parents from birth and is the town misfit, nobody really speaks to her and people bully her/ call her names and she tries to have a good relationship with her parents but they are really cold/ aloof towards her and have a broken relationship. One day the town Mayor tries to send Miracle away to a empty house almost like a jail so the town village can look "prefect" and the town wouldn't have anything "wrong" with it, one boy named Neyder realizes that Miracle has been taken away from the village because she is a little different/ her strange looks and he sets out to try and bring her back, with his best Friend Kaban and Miracle's younger Sister Serenity..

However the Town Mayor/ Main Government of the village doesn't like this too much because is he worried that Neyder's rebelling will destroy his* perfect *village, so he sets out his main henchmen Chaos, Pandora and Renegade to try and set him out, after meeting up and fighting in a epic battle Pandora slips up and is almost killed in revenge he curses Neyder with a mysterious gem which Neyder can't take off and is will slowly drain him towards evil/ killing off all of his emotions...

The Town Mayor is rather angry about one of his top soldiers being injured though when he finds out what Pandora did his revenge, he decides to play Neyder like a tool and use the power of necklace around his neck to try and summon him towards evil, but of course you know- "True Love conquers all "- and Miracle unique personality and strong heart she ends up teaching Neyder to feel/ understand human emotions again..
But he is still being summoned towards evil, so who will win- Miracle or the curse of the necklace ??..


I bet you read this, and spat out your fizzy soda and cracked up with laughter over how lame it was..


[ Hides under table..]

Think it's Fruits Basket meets Naruto meets 07 Ghost xD


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Re: shoujo idea ?
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 19/11/09, 10:54 am

This is alright. The story is nicely planned out, the shoujo-esque elements and ideas are clearly presented. I wouldn't mind seeing where this is going.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: shoujo idea ?
Post By Aikome. 20/11/09, 04:16 am

This is not quite something I would usually read ( is there no humor ? )~

But I think it sounds promising. . so I'd check it out.
. . does remind me of Fruits Basket . . o-o;; a bit.

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Re: shoujo idea ?
Post By Guest. 20/11/09, 04:36 am

Aikome wrote:
This is not quite something I would usually read ( is there no humor ? )~

Will probably add a comic- relief character, more characters will join the main group. Just like a RPG game where characters appear and join the leader of the group. But yeah will add a comic- relief into the story..

Aikome wrote:

. . does remind me of Fruits Basket . . o-o;; a bit.

Haha really ?

Promise the main bad guy will be a actual bad guy and not a woman disguise ^-^'' !


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Re: shoujo idea ?
Post By Cheeky-Fairywitch. 17/12/09, 05:31 pm

Your ideas are really unique. I can clearly see the Naruto of it and a little of the Fruits Basket. I haven't read 07 Ghost so I can't say on that one.
I have a question though, will it touch up on a theme of how it's okay to be unique. You mentioned about 'true love conquers all' and the whole feeling human idea, but I was just wondering about this theme as it could mean a lot in your story and make readers realise that its okay to be unique - you'd get a lot of peoples hearts that way.
I'd like to see the drawing side of things, like the character design and stuff. But its a very good idea! I'd like to see how it develops ^^
Soldier A

Number of posts : 9
Age : 33
Location : Palmy North
Transforms into : Fangirlamon xD (first thing that came to my head)
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-12-17

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