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Painting the face and body

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Painting the face and body
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 13/10/09, 04:56 pm

For saturday of Auckgeddon I will be cosplaying as Nelliel Tu from Bleach. Painting the face and body 3772 I have already made the costume, now I need to figure out what to do her face markings with like in the picture below:


It doesn't matter if they are red or dark pink, it depends on what fanart you look at, I will be doing the latter myself. However I'm not sure if I should use face paint or lipstick for this. Painting the face and body 586737 Face paint I am worried about cracking and I'm having a hard time finding the right shade. Lipstick, I am concerned will smudge but it will be much easier to find the colour I want and maybe easier to reapply too? These are options I'm looking at thus far.

I also need to paint a huge number 3 on my back, naturally I can't do this myself as I don't have rubber arms,
Painting the face and body 132820 luckily Olli has kindly offered to do this for me so big hugs go out to her. Painting the face and body 3772 Painting the face and body 711668 However I'm not sure what to use for this as I'm worried about face or body paint cracking or flaking, are there any other options I can use for this? See image below. Painting the face and body 711668


So these are my options so far or the only ones that I can think of anyway, if anybody has any ideas on how I can do these then post away! Any help will be appreciated. Painting the face and body Icon_smile
fraggle rock

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Tails. 18/10/09, 07:32 pm

Hey! Wish I saw this post sooner. I recommend using acrylic paint, go to your nearest Resene & get test pots, they're only $4 & they have colour charts so you should be able to find the exact shade of the colour you want. & don't worry about using house paint on your skin, it comes off with warm water, but wont smudge like lipstick, & will stay on a lot longer than facepaint & will barely crack. I'm using it for my Ultimecia cosplay, crazy woman has tattoos all over her body. Sigh. & my Dad's a painter so I grew up covered in this stuff. Hehe. Hope this helps!

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Static. 19/10/09, 03:51 am

Is acrylic okay so close to your eyes? oO!

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Guest. 19/10/09, 04:09 am

A safER alternative would be lipstick/lipliner/eyeshadow, you can get some that pink. Then maybe a coat of hairspray (EYES CLOSED!) to set it. For the back, eyeliner pencil will be safe but tedious, but I seem to recall someone at Geddon doing ink tattoos?

Shane was once painted entirely white using house-paint and he suffered no short-term ill effects. Although I couldnt tell you for sure about long term effects...


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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Tails. 19/10/09, 06:02 am

Yeah it's safe near your eyes, just gotta be careful when washing it off that you don't wash it into your eyes!

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By deceptivemagick. 20/10/09, 12:50 am

u_ne_korn wrote:
A safER alternative would be lipstick/lipliner/eyeshadow, you can get some that pink. Then maybe a coat of hairspray (EYES CLOSED!) to set it

You can get good thick eyeliner pencils at most $2 shops that are many different colours and stay on pretty well... dunno about hairspray setting it, but it works with charcoal (which ive used for tattoos before) so id guess it also works for eyeliner

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By neimhaille. 20/10/09, 02:59 am

Artists acrylic, not house acrylic! Chromacryl and that.

And mix it with either Prosthetic Aide to make PAX (which no one here believes me is real ;)) or with that Johnson and Johnson's teen moisturiser (with the purple lid has toners and such you can buy with it). It makes the best and cheapest body paint ever. I have been mixing testers for my Mystique for the last few years and it works well enough that you can sleep in the stuff and only have a few bits peel off.
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Madam Madhatter. 20/10/09, 03:17 am

I painted my body blue with facepaint mixed with moisturiser.

It worked well, it did not peal at all.
I just had to be careful not to rub against things to much, because after awhile it would rub the colour onto it.

Washed off easy with soap in the shower.
Madam Madhatter
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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Le_Saboteur. 20/10/09, 03:35 am

No one believes Pax is real?! I lol'ed. I've used it many a time.

Yeah, if you're gonna use garden variety paint, I'd go for artists acrylic, too.

If you're after really good body paint (okay, it's waaay too late to get it now, but for future reference haha), the stuff used for airbrushing is... so amazing, and works just as well being sponged/painted on. Last year I did bodypainting for cup day in Christchurch and nothing at all came off, completely smudge resistant once it's dry and it's actually made for skin and people, so it has to be 100% safe. Hella expensive, though.

If you're worried about artist and house paint, maybe use a skin primer, if you have one (err, not paint primer Razz). If not, apply a sheetload of moisturiser before you start painting -> wait for it to absorb, and then your skin won't be looking for moisture and suck so much of the paint in.

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Tails. 20/10/09, 07:43 am

Ep sorry if what I suggested isn't safe, I wouldn't reccomend covering the whole body with house paint...It's just what I've always used, & I've never had side effects. But guess it's different for everyone.

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Guest. 20/10/09, 07:50 am

Eh, go and read what they put in makeup one day; I doubt it's much better than house paint.


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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Bishkip. 20/10/09, 07:53 am

hurhur, mudkip.
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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 20/10/09, 06:20 pm

Quote :
Artists acrylic, not house acrylic! Chromacryl and that.

Sounds like an idea, I'd rather not use housepaint, well not near my eyes anyway, where would I buy this stuff?

Quote :
I painted my body blue with facepaint mixed with moisturiser.

I remember that, you looked epic, my faerie daughter! Painting the face and body 891698

Quote :
Eh, go and read what they put in makeup one day; I doubt it's much better than house paint.

I totally agree with this! Painting the face and body 462451

I am going to try paint and black eyeliner for the number and see which is best, for the face marking I think I'll try dark pink or red eyeliner and set with hairspray.

Thanks for all your tips everyone, I appreciate it!
Painting the face and body Icon_smile
fraggle rock

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By neimhaille. 21/10/09, 02:29 am

Actually make is designed for the face, funnily enough. There may be chemicals in it but house paints are designed for well houses. There are solvents and all sorts of chemicals in there to make sure it lasts for say 10 years under extremes of weather.
Make up goes moldy after six months and you are supposed to throw it away.

Aryists acrylic for students is non-toxic in case littlies eat the stuff. Some pigments used to be made from lead or other noxious substances (even for make up and houses ;) ) I wouldn't recommend eating it because it is essentially a kind of plastic but a day on the skin is fine.

Art shops will have it. Just make sure to get a known brand.

Quote :
No one believes Pax is real?! I lol'ed. I've used it many a time.

Yep I did too. It was developed for Tootsie to cover Dustin Hoffman's stubble apparently ;) But there are some people who think anything outside their experience cannot be right ;)
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 21/10/09, 08:04 am

Just wondering, would I be allowed to carry paint on a plane? Painting the face and body 586737
fraggle rock

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By Guest. 21/10/09, 08:32 am

neimhaille wrote:
Actually make is designed for the face, funnily enough. There may be chemicals in it but house paints are designed for well houses. There are solvents and all sorts of chemicals in there to make sure it lasts for say 10 years under extremes of weather.

I'm sure makeup is tested extensively to make sure it sticks to your face, whereas housepaint is tested to stick to houses. What I meant was about the toxicity levels in makeup are probably not a lot different to housepaint. A lot of the chemicals in many makeups are either not thoroughly tested or known to cause problems and are used anyway.

Here is a high speed rundown of common toxins in makeup.

And here is a database of cosmetics products, with their ingredients and the known toxic effects of those ingredients.

Of course, not all of those ingredients are in high enough concentrations to actually cause any harm, and pollution is a fact of life. You want to live in the world today, you gotta accept that toxins are going into your system. (For example I drank a can of V today and I know whats in that!) But your skin quite happily absorbs all sorts of chemicals, good and bad, so you really should be aware of what you put on it, even if you decide afterwards not to care.


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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By deceptivemagick. 21/10/09, 08:39 am

im pretty sure you couldnt take paint as carry on cos its a possible dangerous substance

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 21/10/09, 08:41 am

Quote :
im pretty sure you couldnt take paint as carry on cos its a possible dangerous substance

That's what I thought, I guess I'll just use eyeliner or buy paint in Auckland. Painting the face and body 711668
fraggle rock

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Re: Painting the face and body
Post By deceptivemagick. 21/10/09, 08:42 am

thats probably for the best but then again when i flew to and from chch my luggage was never checked

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