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Hair wax?

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Hair wax?
Post By Guest. 25/09/09, 11:09 am

Hey, all~

So my brother is currently having some trouble finding a hair wax that's actually sustainable for styling his hair.
His hair is pretty thick. And by pretty thick, I mean you can slide pencils and chopsticks into his hair and it stays there for a long time >___>
He finds that most hair gels isn't quite strong enough to hold his hair for long periods of time and it just crumbles after it dries.
Also, he does not like Garnier products as the smell can get quite potent during the summer.
Annnnnd finally, he currently is using Vo5 hair wax but apparently that does not do his hair justice.

So any suggestions?


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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Static. 25/09/09, 11:35 am

Try talking to a hairdresser - they should be able to recommend something, and if you talk to a bunch of them you should be able to work out who's just plugging the salon brand Razz

I have no more help than this. Sorry..!

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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Minato_mori. 25/09/09, 01:43 pm

dominate hair wax but its reeeeeeal gross
fraggle rock

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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Guest. 25/09/09, 03:10 pm

... i use gatsby 8D /gets shot.
do they sell it here?


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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Le_Saboteur. 26/09/09, 02:31 am

I've used Dax Wax before and that held up pretty well... Has he tried using hairspray as well to super duper set it? Budget hairspray is epic, it's bad as hell for your hair (especially if you have dry hair like me, luls), but it's strong as.

Orrr he could try and find Brylcream, haha. I don't know if that's the look he's going for... but it's certainly stood the test of time.

Fudge hair products are pretty sweet, too.

There are lots of sweet salon brands out there as well, but I don't know if there are any hairdressing wholesalers (the only places where you can get it for under one millyun dollas) in Welly that sell to people that aren't accredited.

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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Guest. 26/09/09, 03:42 am

Le_Saboteur wrote:
Has he tried using hairspray as well to super duper set it?
I second this. I use hairspray for extra holding strength in my hair to keep my spikes standing when it starts getting longer (eg; 10cm - 20cm in length... but i usually remember to get it cut before it starts going to extremes like 20cm ANYWAY even if long makes epic spikes that can kill people.)

wax it up, give it a once-over with hairspray, should be enough to hold shorter hair :3


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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Kat. 26/09/09, 03:53 am

there are waxes and gels out there are called extreme spiking gel or wax
generally used for liberty spikes or epic goth hairdos

or use pva it has awesome hold and dissolves in hot water

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Re: Hair wax?
Post By Guest. 26/09/09, 07:58 am

@Le_Saboteur: ...No. He has not tried hair spray before I think (WHY DID HE NOT THINK OF THIS SOONER?! D< ) ;D

Ah! Thank you guys! I'll pass the word along to him.


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