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+Anima Group! '11 (Need Husky/Senri, other characters!)

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+Anima Group! '11 (Need Husky/Senri, other characters!)
Post By Cactiberry. 01/04/11, 01:00 pm

+Anima Group! '11 (Need Husky/Senri, other characters!) Panima_group
So me and Pura have been super keen on cosplaying +anima for awhile, and we decide to form a group!
All characters welcome, no matter how minor.
Double ups are OK, but as there are plenty of characters and it's relatively obscure series it'd be cooler to have a full group!
Currently, this group is planned for Saturday of Auckgeddon.
Cooro - Pura
Nana - Cactiberry
Husky -
Senri -
Rose -
Fly -
Kazana -
Magdala -

(please note we're not just looking for the characters I listed! If there's any others you want to cosplay just say so!)
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2283
Age : 27
Transforms into : sharpedo
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-06-20

+Anima Group! '11 (Need Husky/Senri, other characters!) Vide
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+Anima Group! '11 (Need Husky/Senri, other characters!)

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